College Chances - Strong Resume?

<p>I am a white male from the southeast</p>

<p>Could you guys chance me for these Prestigious/Ivey Universities?</p>

UC Berkeley
Georgia Tech

<p>My GPA (My calculations were different, but I have to apply with this)</p>

<p>UW: 3.63

<p>*My school is a private college prep school which uses a 10 point grading scale and gives a 4 for an A in a normal class, 4.5 for A in honors Class, and 5 for A in AP Class.</p>

<p>Classes that I took,</p>


<p>English I
Bible and the Ancient World
Algebra II Honors
Physics Honors
Web Design I
French II
Wind Ensemble
Health (Grad Requirement)</p>


<p>English II Honors
Modern World History
Pre-Calculus Honors
AP Chemistry
French III
Wind Ensemble</p>


<p>English III Honors
AP Calc AB
AP Statistics
AP Biology
French IV
Wind Ensemble Honors</p>

<p>A's in everything except for B's every final grade in French, Modern World History, English, and Honors Physics (You can try calculating my GPA, its weird)</p>

<p>Classes for Senior Year:</p>

<p>AP Calc BC
AP Physics
AP US History
AP Literature
Senior Seminar (Grad Requirement)
Wind Ensemble Honors

<p>I have 208 service hours and even though my gpa is low, will my resume shine over my grades and majorly influence my chances to these colleges?</p>

<p>Co-Curricular Activities: School Years</p>

<p>Wind Ensemble 9,10,11
JV and Varsity Football 9
Piano 9,10,11
National Honor Society Member 10,11
Classic Film Critique Club Member 9
Improv Club 11
Show Choir 11
Crew for School Play (All My Sons) 10
Prom Committee 11
Praise Band 11</p>


<p>1st Chair Clarinetist 9,10,11
Captain of JV Football Team 9
Youth Group Leader 9,10,11
Eagle Scout 11
FCA Core Leadership Group 10,11
Christian Life Council Leader 11
Gold Key 9,10,11
Lead Role in School Play (Mousetrap) 11
Dean's List 9,10,11
Excellence in Web Design Award 9
Order of the Arrow Member (Honor Society for Boy Scouts) 9,10,11
YAA (Young Artists Award) Competition Winner for Piano 9
Guatemala Missions Trip Team Leader 11
Head Prefect 12
Excellence in AP Calculus Award 11
John Phillip Sousa Award for Excellence in Wind Ensemble 11</p>

<p>Community Activities/Summer Camps:</p>

<p>Youth Group 9,10,11
FCA 9,10,11
NC State Engineering Camp 11
Clemson C-Cats Program 9
Boy Scouts 9,10,11
Philmont Boy Scout Ranch (80 mile backpacking Trip) 10</p>

<p>Service Activities/Summer Jobs:</p>

<p>Mentorship (1 Hr. / wk.) 11
Tutor (Math and French) (2 hrs. / wk.) 11
Run Lights and Powerpoint at Church (2 hrs. / wk.) 9,10
Guatemala Missions Trip (80 hrs. / wk.) 10,11
Basketball Manager Varsity (5 hrs. / wk.) 10,11
Basketball Manager JV (5 hrs. / wk.) 9,10
Engineering Firm Job (25 hrs. / wk.) 9,10,11
Started own Lawn Care Company (15 hrs. / wk.) 9,10,11
Job at NC State University Genetics Lab ( 30 hrs. / wk. ) 12</p>

<p>*All of the service activities are year round except the Job at the genetics lab which is only during summer, and the Lawn Care Company which is all seasons except winter. The mentorship and the Tutoring are only during the school year, and the Basketball Managing was only during the 13 weeks which are the winter sport season. Also the Guatemala missions trip was for 1 week and I went on the trip two years in a row.</p>

<p>And for some clarification, Head Prefect is a leadership position chosen after students apply for a spot on an 8 person panel of students who influence the school. Each applicant must write three essays and go through two rounds of interviews (one with faculty members and one with the current student prefect board). Each of 7 of the people on the panel controls a different aspect of school life (e.g. Student Life, Athletics, etc.) the Head Prefect works with all the other members and is the head of the panel.
(Sorry for the long explanation, not everyone has heard of prefect positions)</p>

<p>SAT Scores:

<p>Reading: 630
Math: 730
Writing: 710</p>

<p>Combined: 2070</p>

<p>ACT Scores:
(Stronger(I think) and not superscored)</p>

<p>English: 31
Math: 31
Reading: 26
Science: 34
English/Writing: 30</p>

<p>Composite: 31</p>

<p>My AP Exam Grade for AP Chem is a 4</p>

<p>I have taken two SAT Subject Tests(Biology E and Math Level II) currently awaiting results
I am also waiting on results for my AP exams and the ACT which I took for the second time recently (Scores should be higher)</p>

<p>I have taken the most demanding classes that I could at my school (Minus regular english freshman year)</p>

<p>What are my chances? Will my resume cover over the gaps in my grades? Is my GPA calculated wrong? Will the odd weighting in my GPA mess up my chances?</p>

<p>Thanks so much!</p>

<p>Try Georgia Tech. The rest are reach to high reach. Your GPA and test scores are low for these top schools. Your EC is very extensive but lack of focus. I don’t think it is strong enough to cover the gaps though.</p>

<p>Yeah, it seems that you just skipped around with a couple of EC’s without really sticking to a few.</p>

<p>Aim for some of the lower ones. Ivies/sub ivies are long shots unless you have some tragic life story.</p>

<p>You just skipped around with your ECs. I wouldn’t even send some of your ECs. Take one trait you think some of your ECs share and only submit those to colleges.</p>

<p>Try and focus more on tech-related ECs if you can. See what other opportunities you can get from your job at the genetics lab and really make your work there stand out before application time. Your scores and GPA might still be too low for some of the high-caliber schools to which you’re applying, but you seem like the kind of person who could do really great things at a school that’s not quite top tier and then go to a very competitive grad program, if that’s what you want. Either way, if you work hard, you will be successful no matter where you go. Good luck!</p>

<p>Chance me back?
[Chance</a> for Brown + other top schools?](<a href=“]Chance”></p>

<p>Thanks for all the input!</p>

<p>Is even UC Berkeley a long Shot?</p>

<p>and also, any suggestions to thin down the resume?</p>

<p>^ Yes. It would be a long shot for UCB. May be a better chance with UCLA.</p>