College: Comfortable vs Acceptable

<p>In my town everyone goes to the nearest city to have fun. There are a lot of attractions. I've come to be very comfortable with the town and I can really see myself living there. I want to go to the university because its comfortable, well-known(regionally), and my family lives in the surrounding area. The thing is the university is look down upon. It's know as easy to get into although the average freshman profile is high. Should I go to a university that I really like but is known as a degree mill, although they do have good teachers, or should I go to a "prestigious" university where the name turns heads? What's your take on this?</p>

<p>You should really go to a school where you can grow both academically and mature. You can go to the easier college, but if your going to spend 4 years there partying, then maybe its not the right school. Likewise if you go to a college that is “prestigious”,but you dont feel comfortable in the campus or fitting in then it isnt the best college for you.</p>

<p>The best college/university is the school that YOU feel the most at home. Some students I know think that community college is more for them and then transferring. And some feel like they belong to a big school. Personally, I like relatively small schools. Try visiting the schools you want to go to and see for yourself. I went to 2 schools in my area, University of Maryland, and Hood College and planning on visiting University of the Sciences. University of the Sciences and Hood are both small and comfortable.</p>

<p>the only good point of going to a prestigious university is for the better opportunities, teachers, and overall learning. wanting to impress others isn’t a good reason. if you think you have good opportunities at the town uni, then go for it.</p>

<p>Stressed-- when I said “prestigious” I meant so I would have better opportunities, jobs, networking, ect. I guess turning heads wasn’t the best wording,but my school choice would open doors due to the high level of education given. I’m just so confused about what I’m have to do in the next few months and I don’t want to realize 5 years from now that I made the wrong choice.</p>

<p>Many students have the fear of making the wrong choices and it’s very normal. I have that fear everyday when picking classes or possible colleges. Personally, I don’t think a student can make “the wrong choice”, but can make the less desirable choice. You’re fine. Just choose what you think that will benefit you and help you reach your career goal.</p>

<p>It’s funny how I’ve always been saying, “This is what I’m going to do and this is how going to do it.” And as it comes closer all my plans go out the window, but this, too, shall pass and all will make sense. Thank you.</p>