<p>Okay, I know I may get some flack for this, but I have one little gripe. Why are so many posters so secretive about the universities they attend? To my understanding, this is "confidential" and we'd pretty much have no way of finding out who the poster is if the individual posted his or her current institution. </p>
<p>This practice is especially pervasive on transfer threads. A person will go through a list of things they don't like about their current school and why they want to transfer, but then, they won't even tell you what school they currently attend. There are two problems with this:</p>
<li><p>It is harder to help you if we do not know what school you are transferring from. Ex: A 3.4 at Eastern Michigan may not carry as much weight as a 3.4 from Wake Forest. Therefore, responders cannot provide an accurate assessment of transfer chances.</p></li>
<li><p>This is confidential! What if I'm a prospective student looking at multiple universities, including yours, and the information you are posting could potentially help me circumvent some unknown issues that were previously unknown. It is your duty to inform prospective students, so they don't perhaps suffer the same fate as you. </p></li>
<p>That's all I have for now. I just want some people utilize this website exactly for what it's for: providing confidential information about colleges without the threat of persecution.</p>
<p>Probably because they fear that the value of their posts on other forums will be judged based on the school they attend. Maybe they love their lesser-known school, but they might worry that their opinions won’t be taken as seriously as another poster whose location is listed as “Harvard '14!!!”. This is CC–it’s pretty much a given that there are quite a few snobs here.</p>
<p>To be honest, this isn’t nearly as much of a concern for me as the general amount of hatred and outright hostility that has become commonplace on CC, especially in the past few months in College Life. I know I don’t have to read all of “those” threads, but it’s like watching a car accident in slow motion.</p>
<p>Personally, I rarely post my school’s name [UArizona!!!] because a) I always forget, and b) my location only has one university. Also, sometimes when I post my university’s name, I get flack about Mexicans, SB1070, immigration, how I only got in here by affirmative action, etc. [Which cracks me up because if anyone could see me through the computer screen, they’d realize I’m just a little, mostly white, Liberal girl.]</p>
<p>However, I do agree with the above posts and how people think their opinions will be taken less seriously. That cracks me up since my school generally isn’t considered the best of the best, but I don’t think you could compare me with someone from Harvard. You could have a lazy kid over there who just got lucky and had a lot of money, but I’m certainly getting the most out of my experience over here.</p>
<p>Honestly, I think it’s more annoying when the aforementioned snobs say “I’m going to a top-10 major research national highly-selective private university” to put down others, but won’t say where they’re going.</p>
<p>i dont really hide what school i go to. its really easy to figure out since i post in my schools board a lot. maybe other people assume this same thing</p>
<p>I’ve noticed this trend as well, and I’ve barely been on CC. I think the fear of elitist snobs/■■■■■■/casual judgement from CC’ers prevents users from being open about their college choice, despite the fact that a multitude of people on this site seem to be very friendly and helpful. </p>
<p>I, however, have no problem announcing that I’m attending Humboldt State University for the next 4 years. I got into Cal and several other UC’s, but chose my small state school because it had my major, I loved the area, and it was affordable. I get flak for it all the time, typically “Why are you going to stoner school?” or “It’s a waste of your talents!”. Quite frankly though, I don’t care. I don’t smoke, drink, or even party, and you get out of college what you put into it, so it’s absolutely not a waste. </p>
<p>So judge away, CC. I’m perfectly happy with my choice, and there’s not much you can do about it, haha.</p>
<p>I try to avoid stating what college I go to unless it’s relevant. It’s not hard to see based on my post history. If it is relevant though, I’ll post.</p>
<p>I do avoid posting a lot on my HS, college dorms, hometown, specific college classes I’ve done, etc. Because there are people who could identify me if I gave away too much information, and I’d prefer they didn’t for multiple reasons.</p>
<p>"To be honest, this isn’t nearly as much of a concern for me as the general amount of hatred and outright hostility that has become commonplace on CC, especially in the past few months in College Life. I know I don’t have to read all of “those” threads, but it’s like watching a car accident in slow motion. "</p>
<p>I think my favorite was when some kid had the gall to say that they went to a school that was in the Top 7 for some particular field. Heaven forbid they say Top 10 and run the risk of someone ridiculing their school’s program.</p>
<p>I agree…sometimes it drives me crazy when people are clearly trying to show off but won’t specify their status. Personally, I don’t really care that much - I’m proud of my school, so screw anyone who wants to judge me for it. </p>
<p>Also, I think prospective students are more open to contacting an older student for advice if he’she knows where the college student goes to school. That was really difficult to type, grammatically speaking, so I’ll give an example: when I was applying to schools, I felt a lot more comfortable asking questions to people who had their locations listed as colleges I was interested in.</p>
Thats exactly right. And seeing Duke and UChicago listed together also makes me laugh at the chance threads that are like “MIT, Duke, UChicago, Northwestern, Michigan, Williams, and Swarthmore!” Okay, really, when you are applying to schools at least do some research into whether or not you’d like the school beyond the usnwr ranking. And if anyone says they actually like all of those schools you’re either lying to us or yourself.</p>
<p>Sometimes it can be easier to identify a person based on what school they go to, like in my case, how many bahamians a transferring to Michigan state? But I don’t really care about anonymity.</p>