College emails/letters that Refer to NHRP: A List

<p>A letter came from New College in Florida today saying that National Hispanic Scholars will automatically be assigned the Excellence Award for 2010. the Excellence Award for Out of State Residents is $17,500/yr ($70K over 4 years)</p>

<p>Jeez, I stopped keeping track. Here’s a few I remember:
Notre Dame
New York University

<p>Amherst and Williams both sent me letters about it as well as all the others mentioned.</p>

<p>UNM - University of New Mexico -Albuquerque - need to apply by February 1,2009 for a guaranteed full scholarship of $25,475.00 per year covering tuition, fees, room and board. </p>

<p>Tufts sent congratulations - and suggests getting in touch with their Director of Diversity Recruitment</p>

<p>University of Arizona sent a letter guaranteeing a 100K scholarship, automatic admission to Honor College and practically begging my DS to apply.</p>

<p>Texas A& M sent similar offer.</p>

<p>There are some others but I’m on the road and will have to post when I get back. Interesting, my DS did not follow up on diversity fly-ins from Cornell and Williams and both have not sent him any NHRP mail recently as posted by others.</p>

<p>I guess I will have DD contact them, as she hasn’t seen anything from Arizona.</p>

<p>My daughter applied for and was not accepted to do the fly in at Williams and was not able to attend the invitation to the Amherst one. She did not get any information about NHRP mail from them either.</p>

<p>Cornell & Texas A&M sent me a few congradulating me on NHRP and strongly urging me to apply. Texas A&M sent a packet detailing the scholarships they offer</p>