<p>Hi everyone, I wanted to post this thread to see if I could get any constructive feedback for an essay I'm currently working on in Freshmen English. Our professor decided to center the class around music and media today, so we write about a lot of interesting topics. My topic for this paper is about how race and how it is overrated in music. This is a 3-point thesis driven assignment and I've already presented my rough draft to my professor which she really liked. </p>
<p>My question is regarding my 3rd point for my thesis statement. My first two points are along these lines: 1)Race is overrated in music because talent should be the only thing that matters, 2)Race is overrated in music because racial differences help to expand and diversify music. My 3rd thesis point was going to be about how a variety in race can connect people more strongly to different types of music, however, my professor and I found that this can also fall under my 2nd point, making them too alike. </p>
<p>Basically, I was wondering if anyone had any ideas for a good 3rd thesis point for my paper that would not be too similar to my previous two? If it helps, I'm basing a lot of this paper on Eminem and how he has sort of crossed racial lines in music since he is an artist in a predominantly African American genre. </p>
<p>Any help/suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much!</p>
<p>connect it to the bigger picture, i.e. if it’s irrelevant in music, could it be irrelevant in other things?</p>
<p>Yeah I was going to talk about that because in my first draft I had a paragraph about a few examples of race being overrated outside of music (sports, tv, etc). However, since this is a paper that is supposed to only be based on music she told me to drop that paragraph and just focus on race in music, so I sort of have to think of a third point that relates directly to the industry. </p>
<p>Thank you though :)</p>
<p>Biological race doesn’t exist.</p>
<p>How does your second point support the idea that race is over-rated? It seems to say that race contributes something of value. Not that I intend to muddy the water, but the key word in your thesis statement is “over-rated”. In other words, race is given greater influence than it deserves. Is that what you really want to say?</p>
<p>Yeah, I don’t know it’s basically about how race is overrated in music being that it shouldn’t matter what the color of your skin is. My second thesis point was approved because it addressed the connection and diversity different races attribute to music in general. I just need a third thesis point that would be separate from the previous two.</p>
<p>Any more suggestions? Thanks!</p>
<p>There is the possible point that we are often surprised when we think we know the race of a musician by the stereotype we associate with different kinds of music and then we learn that the race of the musician is not what we expected. I’m thinking of Charlie Pride, the black country music singer or Tom Waites, a very gritty urban blues singer who is white. Or Marion (?) Battle, a black classical opera singer.</p>
<p>That’s true, thank you!!</p>