College Essay help

<p>I have a lot of good ideas for my primary college essay, but I was wondering if anyone wants to help me organize my thoughts more.</p>

<p>I'm going to write it on basketball. Basically, I'm a senior in high school and about 5'7". I started playing as at the end of my freshman year. I started playing for fun and I really liked it, and I decided I would try to make the team (I was 5'2" at the time). My friends sort of laughed at me and most people were either apathetic or just shook off the idea. Despite practicing 2-3 hours a day, I was cut as a sophomore. However, I amped up my training to 3-4 hours a day, starting playing with the team over the spring and summer leagues in order to prepare myself for the season. I ever took up track and cross country. Once again, however, I got cut my junior year. I then started practicing 30-35 hours a week, began weightlifting and studied film. It was quite a drag, but there is something about improvement that really allures to me. I know its a romanticized concept that anyone can achieve anything with hard work, but it definitely kept me motivated. Last week, I found out I made varsity and am currently a role player on the team. I continue to work hard and progress.</p>

<p>That's not my essay, its just my mind rambling and reflecting on the past four years. As you can see, I have a general idea, but it would be nice if I could get some help crafting a more comprehensive paper. Also, it is absolutely pivotal that my essay is not corny or cheesy. Thank you.</p>