College hunt

<p>Hey everyone! I posted a thread previously about trying to find a college and was asked to expand on it.</p>

<p>I'm looking for a college really anywhere in the US...preferably one by some sort of metropolitan area with shopping, food, etc. A small city or suburb would be my second choice.</p>

<p>A college with a travel abroad program would be a major plus.</p>

<p>I like learning in small environments with as much individualized attention as possible. Any range from 1000 to 10000 undergrads is my target number. I'm looking for a college that works hard and plays hard. I understand the importance of education, but I want to equally enjoy the fun experiences college has to offer. </p>

<p>Career ideas: journalism, humanities, sociology, marketing, film </p>

Female, junior in high school
White, 1/4 Hispanic
Ranked 15/634
GPA 5.26 out of 6.0 scale
No SATS taken yet, but will be taken on June 5
Practice ACT score 26 (working to improve scores)</p>

<p>Freshman: 4 honors, 1 level (Spanish not offered H)
Sophmore: 5 honors, 1 level (Technology not offered H)
Junior: Eng AP, AP US Hist, Psych AP, Spanish 3 H, PreCal L, Physics L
Senior (prospective): Eng 4 AP, Gov L and Econ AP, Stats AP (pass/fail), Spanish AP, Anatomy H, yearbook, off period?</p>

NSHS (Spanish)
StuCo freshman yr
Ballet teacher assistant freshman yr
Senior company member of a pre professional ballet ensemble, KDT (20+ hrs a week) & toured in Europe with the Young Tanzommer program since freshman yr
Recepient of 2 summer ballet program scholarships through Southwest Regional Dance America</p>

<p>That's about all I can come up with. Thank you for your time and advice everyone!!!!</p>

<p>Did you mean to post this expanded post on the Dartmouth Board or on the College Search and Selection Board? I suspect maybe the latter. Anyway, I see you are familiar with Dartmouth as, from an earlier post, you state your sister attends and loves Dartmouth - so its clear you are familiar with how Dartmouth does and does not meet your preference list. Northwestern seems a school that satisfies the geographic preference, size preference and offers excellent programs in you potential career choices. You will need strong ACTs/SATs - good luck in June - study well. : )</p>

<p>Washington University in St. Louis would be another alternative for you, but again quite competitive.</p>