college is so exhausting lol.

<p>walking 2 miles each way from apartment to campus every day. having class till 6 or 7 and then club meetings till 8. trying to find dinner/something to eat..then homework/studying so you don't fall behind till 2 in the morning (may vary with others...i usually stay up till this time). try and be social with friends so your college life isn't totally boring. rinse and repeat.</p>

<p>lol, i've been falling asleep in most of my classes...bad...</p>

<p>oh also, another question…can gsi’s ask questions on quizzes that we haven’t even covered in lecture yet? the professor hasn’t gone over the stuff yet…and even the gsi didn’t cover it…is that fair? not trying to complain, but that was annoying to me lol.</p>

<p>jeez, how many clubs are you involved in.</p>

<p>just one lol…</p>

<p>It IS exhausting! Especially having to adjust to different schedules where one day classes start a 8 AM, one day at 11 AM, other days at 2 PM. And procrastination is such a problem…</p>

<p>But btw, I don’t know if GSI’s can give those kinds of quizzes, but mine sure did last week. I studied until 1 AM and I woke up early to look over my notes some more, and when I actually take a look at the paper, all that is going through my head is…*** is this</p>

<p>where are you living that requires you to walk 2 miles each way? **** I hope you’re saving a crap ton of money</p>

<p>never mind, i just checked. it is about a mile…i have classes in like pimentel, etc.</p>

<p>College is like a full time job + overtime. You’re occupied pretty much 8am-1am Mon-Fri (more or less).</p>

<p>Wow total opposite. This university stuff is a complete breeze compared with junior college f/t with f/t work.</p>

<p>dude…take the bus!!! why walk that far?</p>

<p>college is a beeeechhh.</p>

<p>^I have buns of steel though now from all that walking</p>

<p>How’d you end up with buns made of steel while walking? Which crazy restaurant sells those? Do you have to eat it with a metallic hot dog or are regular ones good too?</p>