<p>link <a href=""&gt;;/a>
"Students must earn a minimum score of 65 and take CLEP exams before completing 16 semester hours of college credit in order to receive credit. Review the chart below to see how CLEP credit will be awarded." I'm confused on this statement. How many credits do they mean by 16 semester hours of college? That's a very vague statement I suppose.</p>

<p>It means you need to take the CLEP exams before you finish a typical semester of college. Once you have too many college credits they will not award you credits for knowledge gained before college. 16 credits could mean taking four 4 credit classes, two 5 credit classes plus two 3 credit classes or any combination that equals 16 credits. In college different courses are given different credit based on the number of class hours (50 minutes) per week that the class meets. Labs typically require more hours than credits given. Some colleges are on the quarter system so their hours are different (2 semesters = 3 quarters). Very clear and easy once you know how colleges operate.</p>

<p>Wait, so 16 semester hours of college just means 16 credits? They could just said 16 credits. That would be way easier to understand than “16 semester hours of college”…</p>

<p>Learn the lingo! Note SEMESTER hours, not just any credits. Very clear.</p>