College List

<p>SAT : 2200
ACT : 34
SAT II : Biology 760, Math Level 2 720
Unweighted GPA : 3.6, Weighted :4.4
AP Test: US History (5 )NSL (3 ) Environmental ( 3) Calculus AB ( 5)Word History (5 ) Lang (5 ) Bio( 5) macro ( 4)</p>

<p>Major Awards : Scioly Medals , National Achievement/National Merit, AP scholar w/ distinction, Bio Olympiad semifinalist</p>

<p>Extracurricular :
-Science Olympiad Secretary
-Math Team President
-Mock Trial Captain
-Science Bowl Captain
-National Honor Society
- Director of another one but its too specific</p>

<h2>Volunteer: EMT for Local Rescue Squad ( 12 hours a week )</h2>

<p>~500 community hours
What do you think of my college list?
Notre Dame
Wake Forest
Boston College
William and Mary
College Park
University of Conneticut
George Washington</p>

<p>Good list. You’ll probably get a lot of money too.</p>

<p>No Ivies on your list and an eclectic roster solid reputation, but slightly less than national household name schools for such a heavy hitter. No Stanford, Duke, Rice, UVA and no Ivies even though you have the stats. Is that your personal preference?</p>

<p>My other stats are fine , but im just worried that my GPA is too low. I had a bad freshman year , becauyse my uncle, aunt, and grandmother had died.</p>

<p>if you take out my freshman year my GPA would probably be around 3.85-3.9, witha tough schedule . I was AP scholars with honors by sophmore uear.</p>

<p>69 views, one reply. What do you guys think? Should I aim lower, or try for more " prestigious " schools</p>

<p>come on, anyone ?</p>

<p>You need more EC’s. But, as it stands, here’s where I think you’re at:</p>

<p>Clemson- Safety
U Conn- Safety
GW- Match
UM College Park- Match
Wake Forest- High Match
W&M- High Match/Low Reach
BC- High Match/Low Reach
Lehigh- Low Reach
Notre Dame- Reach
Vanderbilt- Reach</p>

<p>I have more clubs i just didnt want to be too specific. Also my sister got in to BC, William and Mary, Lehigh, and Wake forest witha 3.4</p>

<p>Though her essay was FANTASTIC and she took AP Bio, AP Chem, AP physics all in one year which is why its low</p>

<p>Yay Notre Dame!! (My top school lol) but your list looks fine and your stats are good. Try getting more EC’s and apply to an ivy at least! I’ve met ppl who’ve gotten into some Ivies with lower stats than yours</p>

<p>were they football or basketball players?</p>

<p>Average SAT for Penn class of 17 was a 2198 this year. You are in the zone and don’t have to be an athlete.</p>

<p>No they were not</p>

<p>Thank you guys for your help. I finally finished my list$
Cornell Engineering
Notre Dame
William and Mary
University of Maryland,College Park
University of Conneticut
George Washington</p>

<p>Good luck in the college application process!!</p>

<p>Calleva, I sent you a PM.</p>

<p>@learninginprog, for some reason I can’t send private messages , but I just wanted to thank you for the advice you have me on college admissions</p>

<p>Advice you have given me on college admissions *</p>

<p>Finally finished my college list :</p>

<p>Cornell Engineering
University of Michigan
Wake Forest
Georgia Tech
University of Maryland,College Park
Johns Hopkins
University of Pittsburgh
George Washington
Notre Dame</p>

<p>Yeah I don’t think I’ll get into ND. It’s my dream school but I just not apply. Save myself a rejection</p>

<p>No ! You should still try , you never know . Rejection is not as bad as it seems , and I’ve had my fair share of them .</p>