College-Name Opposites

Case Western Reverse.
Pennsylvania University of California.
Colorado School of Yours.
Saltfast University.
United States Navel-Gazing Academy.
Whittier College => Cornier College.
University of Notre Dame => University of Somebody Else’s Man?

Rutgers --> Mug-gers (Newark is dangerous boi)
Vanderbilt --> Vander-broken
MIT --> Mega Institute of Teletubbies
Rice --> Quinoa
Johns Hopkins --> Billys Hogskins

@halcyonheather that made me so uncomfortable

George Washington University --> King George III University

Deep Springs --> Shallow Winters

Colgate --> Crest

Yale --> Medeco

Princeton–> Light Princess University
UC Berkeley–> UC Bezerkley
American–> British Colony University
UNC-Chapel Hill–> Atheist Plateau
USC–> University of Spoiled Children/University of Second Choice

Not a college name, but just a profound truth…

The opposite of PROgress is CONgress

@GMTplus7 In seventh grade, a friend of mine asked the Latin teacher that. The teacher just stared at him for the remainder of class.

Cornell --> Huskell
Cambridge --> Camrapids

Lipscomb–> lipbrush

Rhodes --> Anti-Imperialist

UC-Davis -> UC-Lincoln.

Tulane --> Tustreet
Virginia Commonwealth --> Virginia Uncommonpoor
Princeton --> Princesston

Brigham Young --> galleyturkey old

Colombia --> Mexico
George Washington --> Kim il-Sung
Liberty University --> Obama University
Yale --> Jail
University of Delaware --> University of Dela-where?
