College of Charleston Early Decision / Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Does anyone have any experience with the odds of getting in RD after being deferred EA? My daughter’s grades did NOT improve -stayed the same - and I had her write to her AO and outline her senior internship at a physical therapist office, because her major would be Exercise Science. She got an acknowledgement and the AO said decision for deferral will be March 1. I wonder if anyone knows if most get in or what the percentages are?.. Thank you.

I don’t have an answer to your question, but I did see on Instagram that someone in their latest post commented asking when RD would be out, and the admissions office responded later this afternoon. So you will have your answer soon enough :+1:.

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I just happened to see some people discussing lack of housing and that people were transferring out due to this. Yikes.

I wasn’t aware of this. It’s the same reason my ds decided to drop U of Tampa even though he got in.

He sort of lost interest in Cof C after being deferred and having another acceptance he’s really happy about. I’m willing to take him to visit if he gets in and wants to see it, but I do t know what to expect.

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Same here!! Still waiting on U Tampa but my daughter has also soured on that as others have come in. I don’t know if the housing at C of C is a huge issue but if my daughter gets in then I will definitely look into this further for sure.

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My daughter just got in. I see Accepted Students Day on March 19! Hope others got good news too!


DS accepted for the iCharleston program (fall abroad in Dublin, London, or Rome, then spring admit on campus). Interesting! He has a first choice school he’s been accepted to right now, so I’m not sure this appeals enough to move the needle, but he’s intrigued enough not to reject the idea outright.


Was she first deferred?

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Yea she was deferred in December.


Interesting. My daughter got a similar offer from University of Tennessee, first semester abroad and then in Knoxville for spring 2023.

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My son was also accepted to iCharleston program! Very intrigued by the opportunity but he has gotten into a number of in state options in Florida for the fall and not sure if cost wise it will make sense. There was also no mention of merit in his letter so I am assuming there is none

In the FAQ about the program it says there is no merit. The cost also does not include airfare. My son is curious but I’m doubtful that it will sway him from his first choice.

has anyone heard back from scholarship applications? I was wondering how you get informed or if we would have been informed already.

It looks like scholarship info has been distributed. I think they are silent if you did get awarded anything additional.

You can log into the portal to see which merit, scholarships, and aid have been applied. The CoC page says federal aid will post by March 15th.

That’s a bummer. I was hoping she would get at least one. I see she just has her initial merit applied.

Where do you find the initial merit applied? I only have it outlined in her acceptance letter but when we logged into her myCharleston portal and click Financial Aid and award offer, it does not show there. Did you already accept the offer to attend?

We did not accept the offer to attend. I think she accepted the offer of the award though, but we have sent no deposit.

I hope she didn’t press something incorrect. We have not paid a deposit of any kind. But we do see under financial aid awards the merit she was offered.


Sorry is this after you logged into the myPortal thing and then click “Financial Aid dashboard”? I just want to make sure I am looking in the same place as you. Was your child just accepted last week? Want to make sure I’m not being a dummy before I email FA and ask! Thank you.

Did was accepted in November. And yes under the financial aid tab under awards

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Ok maybe it’s because she was only accepted last week. Maybe I’ll wait to see if she decides to go there before I worry about it. Haha. Thank you.

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