College of Engineering Information (Laptops)

I was just accepted into the College of Engineering and (at least as of now) intend to major in Biomedical Engineering and I also plan on taking a lot of computer science classes as well. I plan on buying a laptop this summer to use but I am not sure which one at the moment. I grew up with Mac laptops and I am really familiar with Mac and would prefer it if the kind of laptop didn’t matter but I am also familiar with Windows and a Windows laptop would not be a problem either. I was wondering if there is any specific programs in the College of Engineering specifically specifically Biomedical engineering and such that I would specifically need a windows laptop for or could I make do with an apple laptop. I don’t have a laptop now so I will buy one or the other before I start. Thanks.

So far a MacBook Pro seems to be doing the job for me. Worst case scenario you install windows or some virtual machine on your mac to run Windows only programs. However, you should be fine with a mac.

Good idea to wait for the summer sales. Check the UW Engineering website for their latest recommendations.

Try to purchase through the university as you’ll get the education discount. Perhaps you can take care of this while attending SOAR. You can also get education pricing from Apple online via their Education Store.