<p>Hey, I'm applying as transfer student to UMass Amherst, Northeastern U. and Suny Binghamton. I was filling out the form in common applications and then i reached the school forms. I looked on line and saw that Northeastern required that College Official Report form, but the other schools didn't say anything about that form. Does that mean that the other two schools do not require that form.</p>
<p>Last Friday, I went to Northeastern in person to talk to an admissions counselor. According to them, the College Official’s Report is to let the school that you are transferring into that you’re leaving your current college in good academic and disciplinary standings. So because Northeastern needs it, you can just get extra envelopes and send it to the other schools you are applying too. Also, the three schools that I’m applying to are Northeastern, Umass Amherst, and WPI. Good luck to the both of us! :D</p>
<p>oh, ok thx for the help. Yea i think ill need the luck. Did you send the applications in yet?</p>