<p>Around what time is there College Orientation or when do we have to move into our dorms and when do classes begin?</p>
<p>Specifically for:</p>
<p>Duke, Brown, Boston Univ, Miami Univ - FL</p>
<p>Around what time is there College Orientation or when do we have to move into our dorms and when do classes begin?</p>
<p>Specifically for:</p>
<p>Duke, Brown, Boston Univ, Miami Univ - FL</p>
<p>This is probably asked on the boards for the individual schools since move-in dates vary widely.</p>
<p>Go to the individual college websites and look (search) for the 2006-07 academic calendar, new student or freshman orientation, open house, fall move-in, etc. </p>
<p>Some schools will have a spring 1-day or weekend open house for new admits and/or a new student orientation week (3 to 5 days) right before classes start in the fall.</p>
<p>The information (at least the dates) should be online by now.</p>