I was admitted into UMD early action and I was also admitted into their Scholars program.
For those who don’t know, the scholars program is comprised of 12 interdisciplinary subjects that Scholars can choose from.
I’m currently on the Global Public Health Program and I’m having second thoughts. I also want to do the International Studies program or even the Science, Technology and Society program, but I’m not sure…
If you are familiar with/in Scholars and know information any of these programs please feel free to share! Even some general information would be nice!
I’m just super indecisive right now. 
Awesome - welcome to Terp Nation!
I only know about Science, Technology and Society (STS), which is a high-demand (popular) program so not everyone who wants it gets in - typically filled with engineering/cmns students. I remember them saying that, in general, you can request to change programs at orientation, and they will do their best to honor based on space/availability.
The gist of STS (from what my son told me based on when he was in it) is that the focus is on TD (technological determinism) v SCOT (social construction of technology), which basically is the chicken/egg question - does technology influence society or do the demands of society influence what technology is developed. My son’s favorite “field trip” was to the ARL (Army Research Laboratory).
I guess the question is why did you choose Global Public Health initially, and why are you questioning that choice now? What is your intended major?