<p>So...I was at the college of charleston from 2008-2010...I transferred to Dickinson college, a higher ranked school for personal and academic reasons...I left the college of charleston having earned a 3.2 GPA over 15 courses...Im not sure how the hour system works i forgot but they were full credit courses. I had no disciplinary actions while I was there and I did very well...Then I transferred to dickinson and hated it there...I developed some depression and I isolated and ended up getting approximately a 2.4 the first semester, and the second semester I was there I took 3 classes, getting a B and a C, and in the third I actually failed the course...bringing my GPA much lower....there were some issues with the course (I thought I dropped it), but either way I have an F on my transcript as of now....I also developed a drinking/drug problem while i was there, it wasnt documented as i did it while i was isolating...but after failing the course I was required to withdraw from the college.</p>
<p>I applied for readmission and was readmitted to Dickinson college...however I do not wish to return there for obvious reasons, most notably the drugs and alcohol and how bad of an environment it was for me...I took the academic year from fall of 2011 up until now off and am trying to apply back to COFC for the fall. the college says they readmit all that left cofc with a GPA of 2.0 or better...however they also have a minimum transfer GPA of 3.0 or maybe its 2.0....either way with my F i did not reach it...What are my Chances of Getting back in??</p>
<p>P.S. I have been in rehab and in sober living in California for the past 9 months...Ive been sober for all of that time and plan to continue my sobriety in charleston.</p>
<p>My Stats: Cofc 2008-2010: GPA: 3.2 15 courses completed, or 4 full time semesters
Dickinson: 6 courses taken, 2 semesters..first semester: 2.2-2.4 not quite sure
Second Semester: recieved a B, C, and F so appx GPA: 1.25
Dickinson Cum GPA: appx: 1.75</p>
<p>What are my chances for getting in for the Fall Semester? for the past 9 months I have been in rehab and working on my sobriety which at first was definetly a full time job...Now I have been working for the past 2 months...I was able to somewhat take 2 classes during this time at a community college while i was in rehab...but was only able to attend half the time basically due to my rehab programs policies...so the grades were incomplete but it was good to get back in the classroom...</p>
<p>DOING MY COFC APP NOW PLEASE HELP!!ONLY PLACE IM APPLYING...plus going back to dickinson is probable if i dont get into cofc.....and that would be very bad news</p>