College Recs (subject teachers)

<p>I know that for some colleges, they specify that they want one rec from either an english or history teacher and another rec from geography, math, or science teacher, but if they just require teacher recommendations from academic classes, does that mean I don't have to follow the mentioned rule (the whole 1 english/history and 1 math/science/geography)? </p>

<p>Btw, this is for Common App.<br>
I already asked one English and History teacher, but if I have to follow the dealio, then I'd have to ask my science teacher instead of my history teacher for a rec now. </p>

<p>Sorry if it's confusing. Hopefully, someone will get what I mean...
Much help would be appreciated!</p>

<p>If the school doesn’t specify, then you can send in LORs from ANY 2 core subjects, so you’re good to go.</p>

<p>Also, you don’t have to send the same recs to every college.</p>