Well, the University of Virginia is also great for creative writing, but it’s not easier to get into than William and Mary!
However, Virginia Tech IS easier to get into and they have an excellent department of creative writing, with a top-ranked MFA program. http://www.undergraduate.english.vt.edu/majors/cw/index.html]They have a major in creative writing for undergraduates, too.
George Mason University has [one of only 30 BFAs in creative writing](Creative Writing | Programs: BFA in Creative Writing) in the country. You can concentrate in either fiction, nonfiction, or poetry. If a BFA is too intense, they also have a creative writing concentration as part of their BA in English. They also have a college of education, in which you can earn initial licensure to teach secondary (high school) English - and they have [accelerated combined BA/M.Ed programs as well](https://cehd.gmu.edu/bachelors-accelerated-masters-program/academics/english) that you can do with either the BA in English or the BFA in creative writing.
Virginia Commonwealth also has an excellent program in creative writing. Their BA in English [has a concentration in writing](https://english.vcu.edu/ba/major-requirements-2/), and they have an MFA program in creative writing which may mean access to graduate classes in the field.
James Madison has a [cross-disciplinary minor in creative writing](http://www.jmu.edu/catalog/12/programs/crossdisciplinary/creativewriting.html), a pretty robust English department, and a [pre-professional education program](http://www.jmu.edu/catalog/14/academic-units/msse.shtml#SecondaryEducation) that leads to a one-year MAT and licensure in secondary education. (You can’t get it at the BA level at JMU; you have to earn the MAT, but I think it is one additional year after the BA.)
Christopher Newport University has an English BA with a concentration in writing. They also have a five-year teacher preparation program that ends in a MAT (master’s of arts in teaching).
And the University of Mary Washington has a creative writing concentration in their English major. They have a [url=<a href=“http://cas.umw.edu/elc/english-at-umw/especially-for-creative-writers/%5Dwebsite%5B/url”>http://cas.umw.edu/elc/english-at-umw/especially-for-creative-writers/]website[/url] about the opportunities in creative writing at their university and beyond. They also have a five-year MAT program that leads to initial licensure to teach English on the high school level in VA.
So a rack of excellent public universities in VA that offer a great education, a chance to concentrate in creative writing and are relatively low cost! UMW and CNU are similar in size to W&M.
There are also a bunch of idyllic small LACs in VA at which you can pursue creative writing as a major or minor, including Mary Baldwin College, Lynchburg College, and Randolph College (you can get a BFA in creative writing here, too).
In NC, in addition to UNCW and Warren Wilson, there’s also NCSU, UNCG and Salem College. If you want to go to South Carolina, there’s USC and Wofford College. In Maryland, UMD has a creative writing minor.