<p>So i am pretty new to this site. After skimming through threads for any subject matter typically always the usualy suspects come up. Someone mentions journalism you'll here "oh Syracuse, Northwestern". I am assuming most of you don't attend the schools that you are commenting on so its indeed true that you are going on second or third hand experience. My whole point is, is that its very difficult to get solid information on the College search thread and its better to go directly to the source for individual school threads that your interested in.</p>
<p>Would you consider college confiedential a negative or a positive to the community? Obviously its a good source for getting some information but isn't it is very biased? We have threads like "best known LAC and rank the lesser ivy"</p>
<p>Realizing that you are asking the question of people who do post on CC (not an unbiased sample set), I think CC is valuable as another source of information. I think the most valuable forum is the financial aid forum. The parents forum also tends to be less focused on “the best known LAC” and “lesser ivy”.</p>
<p>If you don’t want to stay, don’t. Ofcourse this site is very biased, but so is every other college search/help sites including the college’s own site. </p>
<p>I think CC is good for at least finding a general selection of schools that may be of interest, the rest you’ll have to research from the schools yourself.</p>
<p>You mean the 17 year-olds aren’t college experts? Whodathunk.</p>
<p>You can also go to a college’s individual site on CC and ask questions there. I think that is an especially useful source when you have been admitted and need to decide between individual colleges. But when you have a typical college list consisting of 10 maybe even 15 or more schools, the college search thread may be superior.</p>