College. So Stressful.

<p>White. Female. Sophomore. United States.</p>

<p>I’m not exactly in the major college search but it is a concern of mine. I was just wondering if anyone could give me some feedback on how I am doing so far in the college competition. I would like to go to a good college and wonder if I need to step up my game or not.</p>

<p>For extracurricular I have:
Competitive Gymnastics: 7 years. Levels 4-8. Novice through Elite (it varied for each level).
Varsity Cheerleading: Started This Year and plan to continue throughout high school.
Interact Club: 2 years. (Community Service Club) Approx. 47 hours. If it matters.
Extra Volunteer Services: 2 years at the same elementary school. Approx. 51 hours.</p>

I have survived with B’s my entire life and had straight A’s once in middle school. But I have taken a total of 9 honors courses and have received a B grade. Which as you know weighted turns into an A. My average unweighted grade point average is a 3.4 and weighted is a 4.0. For foreign language I have taken Spanish one and am taking Spanish two. I am planning on continuing onto Spanish three, four, and AP. As a junior I will be taking AP classes also.</p>

<p>Just wondering if a I have a chance anywhere good.
I’m going to a summer program with People To People if that means anything.
I have been sent many college letters with little brochures helping me which I guess is good that they know I exist among the billions of other students.
I have also been sent nominations for: People to People, All American Scholars (USAA), Who’s Who Among American High School Students, Junior Statesman Summer School, and National Youth Leadership-Medical. And I am not the greatest writer for essays and stories but I do like to write, kind of odd I know.</p>

<p>Well there you have it. I would appreciate some feedback if you could.</p>


<p>Are there any particular colleges you are interested in?
It is difficult to give feedback when the goal is vague.</p>

<p>Yeah, you seem to be a match for some of the UC schools, and other tier-2 universities.</p>

<p>What do you consider to be a good college? Any preferences?</p>

<p>What state are you in? Some state U's are very good and easier for in-state than out of state admits.</p>

<p>I live in Florida and would prefer to go to University of Florida.</p>

<p>a "good" college for you, is a college that suits your needs. You don't necesarilly have to get the best of the best gpa and stuff. Sometimes the best suit for someone will be a school that's easier to get into. But if you want to get into a school thats harder to get into, so far I would say you're on a good track. You still have the all-so-important junior year ahead, and the SAT's.</p>

<p>True. Thanks.</p>

<p>Avoid People to People and Who's Who, they are very expensive and not as prestigious as they may seem...</p>

<p>Sarah Ann:</p>

<p>UCB/UCLA: Slight Reach (out of state)</p>