<p>I'm currently a freshman at the City Univ. of New York at Hunter College, but I'm already pretty unhappy with the school and am looking to transfer out to a much better uni. </p>
<p>I'd obviously like to transfer into an ivy league school, but don't think I'd get accepted after 1 year of college, because my HS grades weren't good at all. </p>
<p>I'm interested in majoring in Marketing with a minor in Econ, or perhaps Design depending on what courses that entails. Aside from the UMich, are there any other suggestions for prestigious schools for a Marketing/Econ Major? </p>
HS GPA: ~90/100 (3.5?), not ranked but lower 50% of class considering avg GPA was ~93/100 (one of the top 10 HS's in the country)
3 APs: Calc AB(5), AP Computer Science AB(3), AP Micro(2)
SAT superscored: 2030/2400 - 750M, 620R, 660W
ACT: 30 (7/12 writing)
Extracurrics: Huge weakness, only did some volunteering but was not really into any school clubs</p>
<p>College GPA: Expected 3.7+
Courseload: Macroecon, Am. Gov., Intro english, Womens Gender Studies ( had to register to Hunter late due to financial problems, so I just took whatever courses I could get)
Extracurrics: looking to join student gov, possibly doing an internship also, intramural sports, and some volunteering</p>
<p>I'm thinking I'll only have a shot at an Ivy after 2 years if at all(I'm looking to transfer to Wharton or maybe Columbia, as I probably won't make yaleharvardprincetonetc.)
Should I also wait 2 years to try applying to UCB, UMich, and USC?</p>
<p>Your chances at UC Berkeley are extremely low because of your out of state status as a transfer. Also Berkeley does not require HS records but it does however accept only transfers for junior standing. But I’d advise you to wait another year to apply, so your HS record will not play a factor in the transfer admissions process for USC. I don’t necessarily know if UM (I’m assuming Ann Arbor, Ross?) take into account HS records.</p>
<p>cornell actually does have a business major its just not called that. its the applied economics and management (aem) major in the ag sci school and is actually one of the top “business” programs in the nation and is absolutely wonderful at recruiting. its a great program and offers a lot that normal business programs dont. you should definitely look into it. cornell also has the ilr school (industrial labor relations) which many business oriented students find appealing</p>
<p>wharton is extremely extremely hard to transfer into, columbia is very very hard as well. cornell’s ilr school would probably be the best fit out of the ivies at least in reference to your stats. the aem major i mentioned is also quite hard to transfer into. look into ILR if youre dead set on an ivy. otherwise schools like uva, usc, emory, nyu all have great business programs and there are many more that are not as ridiculously selective as the ivies but still great programs</p>
<p>I’m not even considering Stern because of that and the fact that I’d like to get away from NYC for college, unless it’s for Columbia.
I’ve sort of crossed Penn and UCB off the list since I have virtually no shot at getting into them, so I’m not going to waste my time with their transfer apps, but thanks for the info on UCB, MakeBank24.
And thanks for the info about Cornell, brahnema. I’m not dead set on going to an ivy, but I’ll definitely look into those programs.</p>