<p>I've narrowed down my colleges to the two I've been accepted into.
Choice A is offering me automatically half costs for each year. I could possibly get full ride if I win this special fancy-pants award (slim chances). Yet it is a huge school that typically has a bunch of partiers. I am more of a -uh...antisocial disaster who sits in her room, writes weird stories, knits and watches Downton Abbey. :]
Choice B is offering me some aid, not as much as Choice A. But this college fits with me. The students are much more artsy and relaxed. When I visited Choice A, I saw girls passed out from drinking and guys slouching around. The student tour person I swear was hungover. Choice B's visit was awesome! Students were actually approachable and eager to help me. When I was touring one of the dorms halls, I saw a group of friends playing card games in the lounge. And you know how some dorm's have whiteboards on the doors? At Choice A people drew dicks or wrote skank on them. At Choice B this one girl wrote a haiku about the burriotos the school sells and another said something like "Friday i'm watching Finding Nemo, anyones invited!" They were my people!</p>
<p>Both schools offer great programs for English Education, so the academics are not the issue for me.
The issue is paying the money versus the experience.</p>
<p>Any input, advice, etc?</p>
<p>Is this about your parents balking at the cost of B? How much does “not as much as A” mean? What impact on student or parent loans?</p>
<p>Choice A: cost is 23,000 a year (so 92,000 for a BA) , scholarship is 40,000 over four years. → about 52,000
Choice B: cost is 20,000 a year (so 80,000), scholarship is 20,000 over four years. → about 60,000
not a huge difference. My parents are only paying for my freshman year, so it is mostly of my concern.</p>
<p>So A is 13k/year and B is 15/year? How will you pay for years 2,3,4? Eg, the Stafford loan for 2nd year is 6500. By “English Ed,” do you mean teaching English? </p>
<p>My tendency would be toward B, especially considering the way you described the differences- but you absolutely must understand how you will afford the costs of either college. Is there a plan?</p>
<p>What would YOUR total costs be? You can borrow ~$27K total over four years. Anything else would need to come from your parents. You can make up some of the difference with work over the summer and during school. That would probably be about $3K/year. How does that work with what your parents have said? You need to discuss this in detail with them.</p>
<p>Now I’m really curious as to which school is school B. It sounds like my kind of school too.
Would you mind messaging me the name?</p>
<p>My parents are only paying for my freshman year, so it is mostly of my concern.</p>
<p>You can only borrow the following amounts:</p>
<p>frosh 5500
soph 6500
jr 7500
sr 7500</p>
<p>So, actually, neither school may be affordable unless you can work enough in the summer to cover the school’s costs after merit and the above listed loans…</p>
<p>And if you’re going into teaching, you need to borrow as little as possible.</p>
<p>You may need to find more schools.</p>
<p>What are your stats?</p>
<p>What state are you in?</p>
<p>Sounds like A isn’t a good choice. If you can’t afford B, start looking for C, D and E. There is always more than one answer to the ‘where is the best fit for me’ question.</p>