College tours

<p>Besides the fact that you get to know more about the school, are there any benefits in visiting colleges?
Also, do you have to set up an appointment for a tour, or can you just go there? Which one will be more helpful? Thanks in advance</p>

<p>Some schools keep track of who visits and factor that in when making admissions decisions, but some don’t keep any record of who visits whatsoever. Some colleges make you set up appointments, some don’t. Everything really depends on the individual school.</p>

<p>ohh. sorry for the late reply haha. But what about like colleges like northeastern and boston university? Do you know?</p>

<p>There are some old threads if you look a bit … where people weigh in about schools that “count” visits in the admission process. The only one I remember, Wash U in St. Louis. I would suggest setting up a tour/ visit - at least you get recorded that you made a visit. I personally don’t think the visits are necessary for all kids. It’s really up to you - unless the school you want to go to “counts” them in the admission process. I hope that helps.</p>