Do how much student loans and financial aid you get depends on your school ? Becaue the community college I’m going to tuition is 1106 a semester + books … they gave me 6,095 Pell Grant and 5,000 in student loans … I want to go to sam Houston there tuition is like 20,000 a year …
You’re already receiving the maximum Pell, so that won’t increase, and the federal student loan caps at $7500/year. How much is the tuition at your 4-year public universities? Are there any you can commute to from home?
The tuition at sam Houston a semester for me is around 6,000 my mom said it depends on the school you put on your financial aid how much they’ll give you …
You need to look at yearly costs. If semester tuition is $6k then the yearly tuition is $12k. Your aid (the Pell Grant and federal student loan) is only $13k. You’ll need roughly $12k/year to be able to afford to live there. You’re already receiving the maximum Pell Grant so you won’t get additional money there, and the federal student loans are fixed, so those won’t be higher either. The cost of the school won’t affect either one.
Have you spoken to the transfer office at your school? They may be able to suggest colleges to you.