collegeboard score report

<p>I have sent a transcript of my score report in dec from collegeboard to my universities. However, I just realized that the name on my collegeboard account is not my legal name. So i changed the name today and sent to the universities again. The thing is that it is way past of the SAT score deadlines of the universities, so I 'm wondering if I should email each university individually and explain...or is it okay ?
would they be really strict on the deadline of score report?</p>

<p>you should be alright. The majority of the time apps. ask for names you also go by so if you wrote that down I would say you are okay. If not I would just give the schools a call or an email.</p>

<p>The name that appears on your score report should be the name you bubbled in on your test – not the name you enter on the Web site when you create your CB account, if the two differ. Is that what you were asking? If so – as long as you bubbled your real name on your tests, you should be fine.</p>

<p>well, on the test, i bubbled in my prefered name
but I applied to the colleges with my legal name</p>

<p>the CB person told me that she would be able to contact the colleges and let them know my situation</p>

<p>another things is that my dec SAT report was out after I’ve submitted my common app
so I didn’t have a chance to write it on there
I really want them to see this one cuz my mark improved a lot…
I’m just wondering if they would scrutinize my CB report (has my latest one )in detail or more focused than what I filled in on my common app</p>

<p>I’m sure everything will be fine.</p>

<p>Just curious, why would you use any name other than your legal name on the SAT? It’s not like your scores are released to your entire school where you have to look cool… the only people seeing it are you, your family, your counselor, and the colleges you apply to.</p>