Colleges at the forefront of Race, Gender, and Sexuality studies

Undergraduate and Graduate School recommendations are greatly appreciated. Also, if you are familiar with any unique internships or summer programs on these topics please share.

Thank you :heart:

No clue. There are lists such as this.

I guess you can say no Florida publics though. The Governor is gunning for these.

I think most schools have. And not sure if there’s really a best. Most are interdisciplinary. And not sure about internships but my daughter is in one for civil rights through the dept of transportation.

I imagine there’s many groups from lgbtq to planned parenthood to whatever the opposite of each is to more that hire interns.

At Charleston, my daughter is a Ketner Scholar which is sponsored by the WGS department even though it’s not her major.

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Thank you so much!

Definitely looked up a few lists but I like using various sources. True, this major is pretty standard but I’d love to hear about unique or unusual opportunities that are available.

I also am looking for schools that are well known for Race, Gender, and Sexuality studies. Or schools that are currently creating innovative programs at the forefront of these areas of study, if possible.

The most easily identifiable of these interdisciplinary pursuits might be found through women’s and gender studies programs (or similarly named programs). To offer an example of the scope of these programs, information on Pitzer’s Gender and Feminist Studies major/minor notes its foundational bases and its intersections with some of your other areas of interest:

If you would like another example to look into, this describes Sarah Lawrence’s Gender and Sexuality studies program:

Thank you so much! @merc81

These look like some amazing programs :grin:

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For obvious reasons I would suggest looking to women’s colleges as a first step. Barnard for example has an excellent Gender Studies department that allows for quite a bit of interdisciplinary study. In the west, pitzer, Pomona and scripps, also some schools in the PNW like Reed College. UCSC worth a look. This is a field that is expanding rapidly, there are many schools with exciting programs.
For summer programs, the ACLU has a summer institute for high schoolers. Good luck in your search!


I really like Duke’s program. They have an undergraduate major focused on Global Gender Studies that incorporates coursework on race and colonialism.

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With respect to your intellectual interests themselves, look into the influential writings of Shulamith Firestone, who conceptualized some of the more radical concepts of feminism at its intersection with sexuality. Topics on this level may be most suitable for a student on the undergraduate level or higher, however.

100% accurate. It’s a hot field with a lot of interesting interdisciplinary work.

I’d begin with other factors (location, size, cost, etc.) and then winnow the list based on academic offerings.

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Thank you so much for the suggestion :smiling_face:

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Because this is a relatively new area of combined study, I would look at conference participants and then do some cold emails to some of the names to ask, if you had a student interested in these fields, what are the schools you would recommend to them? Or if there are some departments (say, Duke, for instance) that you could contact them and say, the offerings here look really interesting but I know that Duke is a reach for any student. Are there any other colleges that you would recommend someone with these interests should look into?

For instance, you might look at this conference’s keynote/featured speakers and reach out to them:

Or look at the host committee or presenters at this conference:

If you’re looking at it from a spiritual perspective:

This, at least, is what I’d be doing (or recommending my kid do).

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You are so cool! :heart:

Thank you so much. Your responses are always so passionate and informative. I really appreciate it :smiling_face:

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