Colleges in the 2021-2022 Academic Year & Coronavirus (Part 2)

What can these schools do instead? They have few other choices. All vaccines seem to provide some protection against at least more serious consequences, even though they’re all less effective against the newest variant (some better than others, of course).

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And what about going to parties? Kids are going to follow those rules and wear masks indoors? That’s funny.

From the CDC website

  • You can resume activities without wearing a mask or staying 6 feet apart, except where required by federal, state, local, tribal, or territorial laws, rules, and regulations, including local business and workplace guidance.

Hence: Businesses and so forth can have their own requirements

I personally would love to never wear a mask again but I do think if numbers rise they will keep the mask policy. I think with a high level of vaccinated students and lower numbers, they will relax it. I also think you will see this from more and more colleges. Some cities are going back to masking for vaccinated people indoors. Las Vegas announced today all vaccinated people must wear masks in casinos

That’s really funny. I’m glad you’re amused.

Some have been observed relative to variants.

There have been some studies by vaccine companies on neutralization of variants by original vaccines.

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Just amused because kids will gather and drink and not wear masks. So all of the other indoor masking is kind of a joke.


I know the CDC guidance well, thanks.

It’s reasonable to ask Tufts leadership (or any school or workplace outside of healthcare settings still requiring indoor masks for vaccinated people) why they are choosing to not follow the science…I’m assuming the Tufts community has a high vaccination rate (if they don’t that could explain their decision).

Again, I realize this is a dynamic situation and guidance could quickly change.


This is Tufts answer to your question
Why do we have to wear face masks indoors if we are fully vaccinated?

COVID-19 transmission occurs indoors. Although currently rare, fully vaccinated individuals can contract COVID-19 and we remain concerned about the risk to the community from variants. As a residential community in which people may spend significant time together indoors, we have decided to maintain a mask wearing mandate indoors for the fall. In addition, while we anticipate that the vast majority of our students, faculty, and staff will be fully vaccinated before the term begins, some will still be unvaccinated. It is our shared responsibility to help protect these individuals from the virus to the extent that we can. Fully vaccinated individuals can contract and potentially spread COVID-19. We ask for your grace and cooperation with this mandate.

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Some of the counties in California are recommending (not requiring) that all (including vaccinated) people wear masks indoors, and their statements pretty much say that the honor system of “mask on if unvaccinated” is not working – not surprising, since those who refuse vaccination tend to be those most resistant to wearing masks.

It is not the biological science driving some of these decisions; it is the social science.


Why is Dr. Fauci walking around with two masks? Is he not following CDC guidance?

He’s also 80+ years old. I might still wear a mask if I was his age.


And he’s often in healthcare settings, where guidance is masks on for all which makes sense.


and there are professors in classrooms that are older as well.

he’s often on talk shows and other settings with a mask and many times outdoors. So that mixed messaging is never helpful.

No mask. I haven’t seen him with a mask in a while

Those professors will be vaccinated and can choose to wear a mask if they like.


I get it, and saw LAs new recs…I’m not sure it will make much of a difference. So now vaccinated people will be more likely to put on their masks indoors, and some unvaccinated still won’t, and will continue to spread disease.

Right now it does not seem that vaccinated people are spreading disease if they do get infected so adding a mask is ‘theater’ to use a term many have used on these boards (of course we don’t have perfect data, and it’s quite possible those who are immune compromised and vaccinated for example could spread disease if infected…but they are likely still taking various precautions).

Will be interesting to see if this newish recommendation helps bring down LA’s infection rate.


There are some vaccinated people hospitalized and dying though. And we really have no idea as to the number of breakthrough cases because we’re only testing vaccinated people if they are hospitalized or die. I know several symptomatic vaccinated people right now and their doctors are refusing to test them. Maybe the Boston ones are affecting the decisions of Tufts, BU, and Harvard.

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and heres one more from Boston News

Out of 4.2 million people vaccinated. Still pretty good protection.