Colleges requiring (or not) Covid vaccine for fall 2021 megathread

Just got word that University of Colorado will require the Covid vaccine for students, staff, and faculty before the start of the Fall 2021 semester.


Just got an email stating that Lawrence University will be requiring all students to have the Covid vaccine before the start of Fall 2021 semester.


LMU will require students to be vaccinated to come onto campus for the fall.

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D got an email from Purdue saying any student not vaccinated by Fall will need to undergo mandatory weekly covid testing throughout the semester and may be excluded from participating in school events. Students are being asked to upload their vaccination cards.

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Bates says today they are requiring the vaccine allowing for a medical exemption only.


that is the most reasonable one . at least it give choice.


RIT says every student has to be vaccinated and those who are not will be de-enrolled. They are including Flu and Covid vaccines in the same category as MMR, etc. Whether a current student or incoming one. yet they cannot say if classes will be all in person.

SUNY, CUNY and Hofstra all are requiring the vaccine:

Note that the vaccine requirement at New York public universities is contingent on full FDA approval.

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Purdue’s details. I suspect the “subject to change if the facts do” ties to full FDA approval.

Purdue students will not be required to receive the COVID-19 vaccine before returning to campus in the fall, Purdue President Mitch Daniels announced in a video.

Students who choose not to be vaccinated will be subject to “regular testing, of the kind that all of us participated in all last year,” Daniels said.

He didn’t specify if any changes to quarantine protocol have been made.

Though he provided an option, Daniels urged students to choose vaccinations over regular testing, hinting at more opportunities for vaccinated students.

“The higher percentage of us all who choose vaccination, the more open campus can be,” he said. “There may be activities we can make available to those vaccinated, but not those who decline.”

A Protect Purdue press release sent to students just hours later said that students “may enjoy greater amounts of choice as it pertains to activities on campus.”

No further information on the activities in question has been released as of 1 p.m. Tuesday.

The decision not to require vaccinations is in place “as of now,” Daniels said, but are “subject to change if the facts do.”

My son is attending the summer program at Williams in June. Students were given three options:

  1. Upload vaccination card
  2. Make a plan to be fully vaccinated before attending.
  3. Let us know and we will help you get vaccinated when you arrive.

Northwestern will require the vaccine:

Northwestern policy here: Vaccination Requirement FAQs: COVID-19 and Campus Updates - Northwestern University


  • Not required for online-only students.
  • Accepts WHO-authorized vaccines (currently includes AstraZeneca, Covishield, Sinopharm) as well as FDA-authorized vaccines.
  • Allows a temporary exemption for students who do not want to get an emergency-use-authorized vaccine, but such exemption expires when a vaccine gets full FDA approval.
  • Otherwise allows medical and religious exemptions.
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They also said that students not getting vaccinated will be subject to increased surveillance testing. “Students receiving a vaccination exception will be required to participate in increased levels of COVID-19 testing while they are on campus.”

The city of Evanston vaccination rate is very high so locals are happy with the university decision.


It will be interesting to see data on percent of students who seek exemption given the requirements for regular testing.

It could also depend on the types of exemptions allowed.

For example, among “required” schools, USC appears easy to get an exemption (just sign a paper accepting that you could be subject to additional restrictions and limitations that do not apply to those who are vaccinated), while some other colleges allow medical exemptions only.

Yes. But I wonder how many will really want to have to be subject to regular testing. I think this requirement could dampen interest in an exemption.

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Last summer, apparently, the city of Evanston was NOT happy about the number of student parties occurring throughout the season, in violation of the state’s restrictions on social distancing and in-person gatherings (personally, I was a bit surprised that so many students were hanging around after the school shut down in the spring but I guess they were). There were complaints during a townhall meeting shortly before classes were to start last fall, and that event might have been a contributing factor in the university’s decision to shift course and uninvite the frosh and sophs to campus only 10 days before they were expected. The stated reason was the concern over rising Covid rates in that part of Cook County (excluding Chicago which of course had its own areas of concern at the time).

Yep, the city has a love/hate relationship with NU.

The NU decision to un-invite students at the last minute was not good and I don’t think it had to do with pressure from Evanston. They had ample time to shift courses much earlier in the process.

What surprised me last summer was that the university brought back athletes when it was clear the Fall season for most sports was going to be cancelled.