<p>The on-campus versus public property crime rates probably tell you more about the housing at a particular college than anything else.</p>
<p>For example, take a large state university in an college town where on-campus housing is provided for only a fraction of the student body. These schools will report a much higher number of public property crimes that may or may not reflect an underlying level of safety in the surrounding community. In many cases, these rates would only reflect the fact that many of the "dorms" are privately owned.</p>
<p>Student rape is so weighted towards date rape and so strongly correlated with heavy drinking that, if you are really concerned about it, you should pay particular attention to the binge drinking rates at colleges. 72% of self-reported rapes occured while the woman was intoxicated</p>
<p>The incidence of non-intoxicated rapes is consistent across all types of schools (low-binge, medium binge, high binge). However, the picture is very different for the 72% of rapes that involve inoxication. 2.4% of women at schools with "low" binge drinking rates self-report these kinds of rapes compared to 3.5% at "medium" binge rate schools, and 4.3% at "high" binge rate schools. </p>
<p>Drinking by women is particularly relevant. The Harvard study looked at rapes (all types) reported by women in three categories of drinkers. Non-binge drinkers (i.e. reported drinking in the prior year, but not binge drinking in the two weeks prior to the survey), occasional binge drinkers (reported binge drinking once or twice in the prior two weeks), and frequnent binge drinkers (reported binge drinking three or more times in the prior two weeks.</p>
<p>The percentage of women self-reporting a rape of any kind from the three groups were:</p>
<p>Non-binge drinker: 2.4%
Occasional binge drinker: 5.5%
Frequent binge drinker: 11.0%</p>
<p>BTW, this data is relevant to parents of male students, too. Under current practice, an intoxicated woman cannot give legal consent. The implications of this are important for every male college student to understand.</p>
<p>The data is all available here:</p>
<p><a href="http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/cas/Documents/rapeintox/037-Mohler-Kuo.sep1.pdf%5B/url%5D">http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/cas/Documents/rapeintox/037-Mohler-Kuo.sep1.pdf</a></p>