Colleges that are in the safest and most dangerous US cities

<p>"Under current practice, an intoxicated woman cannot give legal consent."</p>

<p>Methinks those unreported numbers just skyrocketed to include every woman who's ever shared a bottle of wine before she bedded her Romeo!</p>

<p>In regards to st Louis and wash U..D is a new Grad student there..H went with her to find an apt and rejected the university owned off campus apts as just a shade too sketchy (and we are NY'ers so we dont scare easily!...)theres mostly lovely areas surrounding the campus, and this one area thats just on the edge...she found decent housing just a shuttle ride,or few minute car ride away.
They had been having a mini outbreak of street crime (robberies) in the past few that very area H rejected..but they now seem to have caught the perps.</p>

<p>Wayne State U, although it is in the very troubling city of Detroit, had a lower crime rate than several of its "sister" public universities in tonier zip codes. I don't know if it's because Wayne State knew it had to be drop-dead serious about having campus security (given the area), or if its low numbers were attributable to the fact that it didn't have much a residential population and the campus was cleared out at night.</p>

<p>At any rate, it's one example of a campus whose crime rates are out of step with its environment.</p>