colleges that look at SAT Writing section

<p>My daughter just got her SAT scores and was upset at not doing as well as she did on the practice SATs. Her scores were 560 and 570 but then got a 690 on the writing part. Will any schools put much weight on the Writing which she did
best on? (95th Percentile) Seems like alot ignore the Writing part. Does anyone know of good schools she can get into with these scores 3.6 average at school.
She's a good student taking all honors and APS and has really challenged herself but is not at the top of the class. Any ideas to calm her down? She will take the SAT again</p>

<p>There are many very good SAT-optional schools.</p>

<p>Please read my post in your other thread to your daughter. SAT-optional schools are one way to go, but there are also many good schools where her scores will be fine, assuming her grades are decent (and by decent, I don't mean a 4.89 GPA).</p>