<p>I have a 3.4 GPA and not many honors/APs, although I am taking a lot more my senior year. I do have a 2140/2200 combined SAT score though and am planning to take US History and Math II and achieve 700-750+ results. </p>
<p>Are there any notable schools out there that emphasize SAT scores more than GPA? I know I messed up earlier in high school but I'm hoping that my SAT will somewhat cushion me. I'm looking at schools like U Miami, UI Urbana-Champaign, and Madison right now but I would really appreciate any other suggestions, I don't really know how to find stuff like this out (if there's an explainable way, please let me know!)</p>
<p>colleges that love high test scores are willing to pay for them. Thus, search for colleges that offer automatic scholarships/discounts to National Merit Semi-Finalists. (USoCal is one of those.)</p>
<p>Sadly that is my weighted. But yes, my parents are willing to pay higher for an out-of-state college if it’s worth going to over Rutgers. UIUC is pretty much the minimum school that fits that criteria for me haha</p>
<p>For flagship Us: Montana, Nebraska, South Carolina. </p>
<p>UIUC meets the minimum criteria? Are you aware it’s one of the better public Us in the country, particularly for engineering? And costs >$43K/year. BTW UIUC weights GPA as Very Important, scores as important.</p>
<p>I’m (obviously) a UMiami guy here on a National Merit Scholarship. Like you, my SAT’s were a bit higher than my GPA. Try to get the GPA up a little bit and you will probably have a very strong shot here, plus you may get money if you are a National Merit Finalist.</p>