<p>I'v decided to use the word awesome instead of good/great because it's just used too much in these kind of threads.</p>
<p>But on to the point.....</p>
<p>I've decided I want to pursue a career in Engineering. Particularly in Computer Engineering.</p>
<p>With that being said, can anybody give me some stats/info of some pretty awesome Engineering programs in colleges/universities? </p>
<p>I'm not a brand-w**** nor am I stuck on some prestige factor BUT I don't want to end up in a program at a college/university that is basically a joke.</p>
<p>I want my money's worth pretty much. :D</p>
<p>Also, I'm not a high school student. I've been out of high school for a few years and I've finally figured out which path I want to talk while busting butt in the work world. So with that being said I just can't go to a guidance counselor and get information.</p>
<p>In terms of “value for the money”, remember that financial aid can be rather individualized, so that net cost after non-loan financial aid can vary considerably between different students at the same university. Also, what state you have residency in can be a significant factor.</p>
<p>you can find computer engineering rankings if you look anywhere so i assume thats not what you are talking about. Just in case you are schools like berkeley, stanford, mit, caltech, carnogie mellon are all obvious choices. But besides those, Cal Poly Slo is good, rensliar is good, uc … (almost any UC would be a good choice)</p>
<p>@ucbalumnus-When I said I wanted “my money’s worth” I was talking in a theoretical way not practical.</p>
<p>@mccormickt12-Well I did Google “Computer Engineer/Engineering rankings” and I mostly got links back to here, go figure. But all of it still directed back to the U.S. News Rankings.</p>
<p>That’s why I posted here to see maybe someone could have a different prespective/knowledge on it without it being laced with the usual U.S. News Rankings mumbo jumbo.</p>
<p>Now, I knew about MIT, CalTech, and Stanford. But I didn’t know about Cal Poly Slo or Rensilar. Nor did I give any thought to Carnegie Mellon, Berkeley, or any other UC.</p>
<p>That’s what I’m really looking for I guess you can say. Someone else’s ideas/viewpoints. Not some magazines or brand-w**** nut job. :P</p>
<p>@CPUscientist3000-I just got done Googling it and yes, that is what he meant. Just a serious typo on his part and my part due to the fact I didn’t know if it was the correct spelling or not.</p>
<p>No single person here is going to be able to give you the kind of guidance that you’re looking for. The guides and rankings are helpful because they are created by people whose job it is to look into these things, gather information, and provide a rating based on some guidelines. Ultimately nobody is going to be able to judge a school for you except yourself, but since you don’t have the time to do all that research, USNWR is a pretty good place to start.</p>
<p>Try looking up their 30 best schools in the field you’re interested in, and investigate those schools further.</p>
<p>“Cal Poly Slo” presumably means California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo. Note that there is another Cal Poly, in Pomona. Both are part of the California State University (CSU) system, which is different from the University of California (UC) system.</p>
<p>“Rensilar” presumably means Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI).</p>
<p>Since major famous name brands are mentioned already (MIT, CalTech, Berkeley, CMU, RPI, Harvey Mudd, Olin etc.)
How about Cooper Union? I guess it’s not really a traditional school, (and its more known for arts i guess) but I think it meets your criteria:
Awsome: It’s in Greenwich village NYC, small student body (~580), one of the top engineering programs in the country, reputation, etc.
Worth the money: I heard it provided full ride to all students or something similar to Olin’s (check; I’m not too sure) while providing aforementioned nice engineering program.
Rigor: I remember reading from somewhere quoting a student regarding academic rigor as "selling your soul to devil … " and the students are told that they’d get kicked out if they don’t do well in the orientation day or sth. so it’s not going to be a joke, definitely. (x_x)</p>
<p>Maybe I exaggerated a bit, but check it out yourself; look at variety of schools and find what you want…there are many many nice schools</p>
<p>Uh oh, just kidding…I checked the site and found that it doesn’t have Computer engineering.
I didn’t realize that 'cause I’m ChemE major…Sorry about that.</p>