
<p>I was wondering if anyone could give me input on my chances of getting into Purdue, Indiana, University of Florida, University of Texas, and Virginia Tech. I have a 3.3 GPA a 1750 on my SAT and a 26 on my ACT. Any input is appreciated. </p>

<p>I also Play 3 sports and am involved in various different clubs.</p>

<p>Have you run the net price calculators on those schools? Pretty much every college has a calculator on their financial aid page where you and your parents can plug in your family’s financial information and you can see your likely cost of attendance. Not sure where you live, but as an out of state student at public universities, you can’t except much need based aid. Your stats probably do not qualify you for merit aid. It doesn’t matter if you can get in if you can’t pay for it…</p>

<p>Money is not an Issue</p>