COLONOSCOPY How hard is it on you?

<p>The instructions from my gastro call out herbals…</p>

<p>but I found on webmd:</p>



<p><a href=“Chamomile: Benefits and Side Effects”>Chamomile: Benefits and Side Effects;

<p>bb, thank you. Oh, boy. I’ll let them know when I have a procedure. I think I had a cup or two of chamomile in the lst two weeks.</p>

<p>I’m sure it won’t be a problem, bcos if it was a big deal in the gastro world, they’d be all over it (like they are for aspirin).</p>

<p>I think next time I will just do my “own thing”…eating lightly and vegetarian for two days and use colace and dulcolax, then on prep day using Miralax on my own. </p>


<p>^^ That is 10 years later, you probably have to “learn” it over again.</p>

<p>Is eating vegetarian eating low fiber? Are you supposed to eat light? I think I can manage that since I stuffed myself on Thanksgiving and continued with leftovers.</p>

<p>some veggies are high in fiber.</p>

<p><a href=“16 High-Fiber Foods and Recipes That’ll Make You Want to Eat Them”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>That’s what I thought. What am I allowed to eat? My instruction says low fiber but also says cereals are ok. I am sure my cereal is high in fiber.</p>

<p>Thanks for the link, @bluebayou‌.</p>

<p>^^you are welcome.</p>

<p>Igloo, day before cleansing, I went with pbI&j on white bread, GF pasta, cupcakes, danish, etc., and lotsa liquid. Mostly the ‘bad’ stuff. hahaha</p>

<p>Go pig out for few days won’t hurt you. But if you want to stay “healthy” during the prep. you may have to redo and that is not good. Hint, follow the instruction by the letter and you will be fine. Do not fight it.</p>

<p>Thank you. Those are a great list of things to eat. I wonder how hungry I’ll get.</p>

<p>Artloversplus is right, iglooo. Don’t try to get fancy or find loopholes. It’s simple, really. Just follow the instructions <em>to the letter.</em> It’s only a couple of days and then you can go back to your normal diet.</p>

<p>I agree with the above. I’ve had patients who just didn’t get cleaned out. Some docs have had to stop the procedure and tell them to come back later in the week or month to re-do it. Other times, they can see a good portion of the colon but not all, and those folks will also have to come back earlier than they would if the doc could be sure he didn’t miss anything.</p>

<p>I ate “low residue” two days before, clear liquids the day before. </p>

<p>@Nrdsb4, what foods comprise “low residue”?</p>

<p>Basically low fiber. I ate mashed potatoes with no skin, white toast, etc. All the stuff I normally try to stay away from.</p>

<p><a href=“Low-fiber/low-residue diet - Wikipedia”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Is eating vegetarian eating low fiber? Are you supposed to eat light? I think I can manage that since I stuffed myself on Thanksgiving and continued with leftovers.>>>>>>>>></p>

<p>Two days before mine, I had eggs and white toast for breakfast, mashed potatoes and carrots for lunch, eggs/spinach and yeast rolls (leftover from T-giving) for dinner . Okay, I don’t have much of an imagination, LOL. I wanted to avoid meat, cheese and high fiber that day.</p>

<p>Basically low fiber. I ate mashed potatoes with no skin, white toast, etc. All the stuff I normally try to stay away from.>>>>>>></p>

<p>LOL, yep.</p>

<p>I am not being fancy and looking for a loop hole. Why would I do that? I get my groceries from a health food store. I have to translate a regular food list to what’s equivalent in my list. </p>

<p>That’s what I mean. Forget the translating and eat regular food for a couple of days. It’s not going to harm you.</p>