COLONOSCOPY How hard is it on you?

<p>You think my life is that easy :slight_smile: I have a lot of leftovers from Thanksgiving. Dinner rolls. sweet and regular potatoes. I think that’ll tie me over for a day instead of throwing them out. Vitamin D in my milk probably doesn’t matter. I stopped drinking it anyway.</p>

<p>@iglooo – re: getting hungry – I thought for sure I’d have major hunger pangs but I didn’t.
It helped that I had foods of different temp and texture – ice pops, beef broth, jello.</p>

<p>Just got back from mine 15 minutes ago. I agree…no major hunger pains due to all the liquids throughout the day filling me up. I had one done 5years ago and didn’t remember hunger being an issue. The early evening prep wasn’t so bad…everything right on schedule and I ate fairly healthy last weekend which I think helped immensely. No meat of any kind, cheese or chocolate. The worst part for me, which was different this time, was having to wake up at 2 am for the 2nd part if the prep. Only got 30 minutes of sleep after that. They found 3 small polyps. </p>

<p>I read that it takes on average between 10 to 15 years for polyps to turn cancerous. My grandfather died of colon cancer at age 63. Being 55 now, I am so thankful for this test. I have to go again in 5years. Not feeling sleepy yet for a nap…but just enjoyed a huge bowl of cereal, toast and now eating pop tarts…haha… My typical breakfast is 1/2 cup of grape nuts with blueberries.</p>

<p>They found 5 small polyps. They were small and my doc isn’t worried but I have to go back in 3 years. </p>

<p>They must have been the pre cancerous ones like mine. Mi think it was called sessile polyps on my report.</p>

<p>I don’t know what kind of polyps mine are. They are sending them to the lab. Should get the result in a week.</p>

<p>Glad to hear everyone got good news.</p>

<p>So we brought my mom to the surgeon last week and he thinks that the thickening of her colon wall is NOT cancer. He is putting her on a medication to ease her stomach symptoms and then he will watch her. She goes back in a month.
In the meantime, my D has to have a colonoscopy on Monday because she is having bleeding when she goes. They think it’s a hemorrhoid but want to rule out ulcerative colitis. She’s nervous. </p>

<p>Can’t they diagnose hemorrhoid without going through a colonoscopy?</p>



<p>You could have bleeding from just hemorrhoids, and you could have bleeding from hemorrhoids AND another more serious condition. You wouldn’t want to just assume bleeding is coming from the hemorrhoids.</p>

<p>If she’s nervous about the procedure, send her to this thread and we’ll reassure her. If she’s nervous about what the procedure might find, tell her that knowing is better than not knowing.</p>

<p>Some internal hemorrhoids can only be seen through a scope. </p>

<p>She’s nervous about what they will find. She is on Accutane and that has been associated with Colitis. Her doctor doesn’t think that’s what is causing her symptoms, though, because she has only been on it for two months and she has had bleeding before. When it happened before her pediatrician examined her and found hemorrhoids and attributed it to that. As Nrdbs4 said, one cannot assume that something is not going on along with the hemorrhoids, though. Her pediatrician never recommended a colonoscopy though.
She has no other symptoms. No diarrhea, stomach pain, etc. Ahhh. Could I just line up everyone in my family for a colonoscopy and get it over with so I can know that everyone is good?</p>



<p>Why not?? Just make sure your plumbing is in good condition before you do that!</p>

<p>But someone has to be the driver. A carful of people headed to/from a colonoscopy would be…interesting.</p>

<p>What does taking out polyps involve? Why does it not bleed or hurt? I had a few small ones taken out yesterday. I don’t feel a thing.</p>

<p>@Igloo, usually the polyps are removed with a snare, though this isn’t the only method. Sometimes there can be some blood on the tissue after polypectomy. Occasionally, there can be significant bleeding, which requires further treatment.</p>

<p>Not for the queasy among you:</p>

<p><a href=“Colon Polyp Removal with Dr. Galati - YouTube”>Colon Polyp Removal with Dr. Galati - YouTube;

<p>Nrdsb4, Thank you for the link. Now, I understand why it didn’t bleed. They burn it off. Neat!</p>

<p>If I do this with local MDs, they give rides. From what I’ve been reading, best if I schedule on a Monday, not expect to work that day; right?</p>

<p>I haven’t read this whole thread, so sorry if this has been asked. Would caffeine free coke be okay to use as the prep drink? I hate gatorade.</p>