COLONOSCOPY How hard is it on you?

It could be, Nrdsb4. I had the same drink and I was very glad it wasn’t a thick concoction , but it did taste bad. I can’t take any liquid medicine easily . I have horrible childhood memories of meds I had to take , which I can recall the tastes as if they were yesterday . I wish I was just taught how to swallow pills as a small child instead

Mine is scheduled for mid-December. I asked for the 2-day prep because 30 years ago I was told I have slow intestinal motility. Not looking forward to it.

I did the Prepopik and I thought it was not nearly as bad as what some of you have been describing. Only a few ounces. I did not need the soothing wipes or anything. It was not as unpleasant as I had feared.

I’m telling you - go all liquid for a few days before, not just the day before. It will make prep easier. I did broth and smoothies for a few days before, then the clear liquid the day before.

“- don’t EVER Google enemas - there are some strange people out there (apologies if you’re one of them - it takes all sorts)”
This is such a tease. My curiosity might get the best of me. LOL

I had my colonoscopy just over a year ago. After reading this thread I figured I would have no problem downing the liquid if I just put my mind to it. Unfortunately the volume was more than I could handle. Can’t remember the name of the prep but the instructions were to drink 8 oz every 15 minutes starting at 4 PM for the first half gallon; then again at 8 PM for the second half gallon (8 AM procedure). First half went fairly well. The second half was a real struggle, gagging as I poured each dose. By the time I finished one dose, it was time to start the next. I just gave up and hoped for the best after finishing only about 3/4 of the total gallon. Fortunately the ‘elimination phase’ was painless, relatively quick, AND successful … as was the procedure.

If this prep can be done in just two 5 oz doses, why on earth are they prescribing all these other complicated and/or high volume preps?!

After my 51 yo husband saw my struggles with the prep, he is determined to avoid the procedure. It doesn’t help that his PCP actually suggested he wait a while since he is healthy. What??? I thought early detection was the preferred approach.


My prep sounds like yours, sweet lemony flavor. I split into 3 doses. 5pm, then midnight. It would take me 11/2 hours to get it down.

Yes, sweet and lemony. I tried several ‘tricks’ to get it down – chase it with broth, chill with ice, drink with straw,… but I had just reached my limit.

The high volume preps are the gold standard. It’s practically unheard of for someone to do that prep and not get completely cleaned out.

Some of the other ones don’t have as good a success rate. Some docs have complained that Prepopik hasn’t always worked well in some of their patients. Knowing this, I did liquids only 2 days out, and clear liquids the day of the prep; I also took a mild laxative the day before my prep. I was willing to do this rather than try the high volume preps. I got a good result, and as I mentioned, it was really pretty easy.

I did what you did, Nrdsb4. A dulce lax, clear diet for a few days. I don’t know this doctor, and didn’t want to be unclean. I ended up with a tortuous colon.

Unfortunately,mshe 2 pounds I lost came right back.

I will recommend your prep and method to my husband, Nrdsb4.

Another tip is to do a “low residue” diet a few days out while still eating solid food. It’s all the stuff we normally try to avoid: mashed potatoes with no skin, white bread, white rice, macaroni, dairy free custard, etc. Low fiber essentially.

Yes I did the low residue diet and I think that helped. I also had a tortuous colon so I’m glad I was fully cleaned out!

Has anyone done a 2-day prep?

I felt like I did a 3 day prep, as it was my first.

Googling low fiber meal ideas now…

@Madison85 look for low residue diets. What do you mean by 2 day prep? Mine was technically one day, but they had me cut out nuts and seeds for 2-3 days prior. On my own (thanks to this thread) I did a low residue diet and I think that helped.

Two days before - stop eating at noon and magnesium citrate at 3pm

Day before - 3pm start 1/2 gallon of PEG

Morning of - 7am start other 1/2 gallon

1pm Colonoscopy

Jumping in on this thread because I’ll be having my second one soon. I had my last one back in high school when they were looking for Ulcerative Colitis.

Now my symptoms and test results are pointing to either Crohn’s or Lupus as the most likely culprits (it’s a long story on why they’re think it’s one of two pretty different diseases). I’m meeting with a new GI in the next week or so and then they’re ordering me a colonoscopy (among other tests, I’m sure).

I’m really, really not looking forward to the prep. I had to do the “lemonade” one. The taste was worse than the effects.

“I’m really, really not looking forward to the prep. I had to do the “lemonade” one. The taste was worse than the effects.”

romani, if the one you are talking about is Golytely, do not do that again!! That is incredibly miserable. I did it, suffered through all that disgusting stuff…and then saw my husband take the Moviprep. Tiny amounts of liquid that tasted like 7 Up for him, as opposed to a gallon of lemonade flavored sweat for me. Never again, don’t do it!! They tried to give him the Golytely, and because of this thread I told him to ask for the Moviprep. He was so lucky I read this.

I don’t remember what it was called, but I’ll be sure to ask for the moviprep.