COLONOSCOPY How hard is it on you?

Thank you. That’s great.

I was originally scheduled for my colonoscopy today, but they called last week and rescheduled for the 20th. Thank heavens, because our cit has major snow today and everything is closing, and they’d have cancelled AFTER I did the prep! Whew. Dodged a bullet.

^^^@jym626, that would have been horrible. That’s why our center doesn’t cancel for any reason. If you are scheduled to come in, you have to find a way to get there.

Yup it would have been. But the roads are a mess and I cant believe they’d expect their staff and their patients to venture to/from the office. The roads didnt get bad til mid-late morning.

My second one is tomorrow afternoon. The instruction starts me on Miralax at 6pm this evening. Should I have had clear fluid supper before starting Miralax?

@Iglooo, What were your prep instructions? I had to have nothing but clear fluids the entire day before my colonscopy, not just one meal before taking the prep solution.

Yes all day to day I can have only clear fluid. Do you drink it while also drinking Miralax solution or do you stop have clear fluid except water once you start Miralax? BTW I am already so hungry.

Met my new GI doc yesterday. He’s been H’s MD and I like him. He says H needs to have another colonoscopy in 2018–every 5 years because 10 years ago he had a polyp that was pre-cancerous. The GI says likely I don’t need a colonoscopy for another 5 years. YIPPEE!

I used a different solution, Prepopik. The prep was only 5 oz. but I had to have large amounts of clear liquids (of my choice) over the next few hours. I had yellow or green jellos, juices etc. Honestly I wasn’t hungry, because of the sugar content.

“Do you drink it while also drinking Miralax solution or do you stop have clear fluid except water once you start Miralax? BTW I am already so hungry”

It has been nearly 5 years, but in my recollection once I started with the “clean me out” solution I was quickly too bloated to want to eat anything. I don’t recall precisely which solution they gave me.

I recall that first small meal after it was over to be quite pleasant.

Once I started on the Miralax solution, I didn’t want anything else to drink. Finishing all of that was enough, and when you add the bloating, you don’t really feel like having more.

I don’t have a problem drinking more. No bloating either. Am I doing something wrong? I am OCD and general instructions often confuse me greatly.

I am looking forward to it. I have it all laid out in the kitchen to eat when I come out today.

^^^I think its better go directly to your favorite restaurant to have a “feast”, in stead of go home and prepare the food. You will have a woosy feeling when you wake up in the hospital bed and cooking is the last thing you want to do.

^^^ I totally agree especially if it’s a celebration.

I am back! I found one tiny polyp. Have to go back in 5 years. Hate the prep.

That’s very good news. I’m sure you’re glad that’s behind you. :wink: Now you can really enjoy the holidays. The prep is the worst.

We have a tradition of going to a great Japanese restaurant after our colonoscopies and anyone I drive home. It makes the prep a little less unpleasant knowing we will celebrate afterwards.

Getting “ready” for the procedure this week. Ugh.

I have mine procedure scheduled for this Friday. This thread heavily influenced my decision to make my first appointment ever. I’m dreading the fasting more than the prep and procedure;)

I was hoping to cook/eat artichokes I bought the other day. Procedure is mid-week, but the prep info says to stop high fiber stuff 3 days before. ANyone know if cooked artichokes will be too high fiber?