COLONOSCOPY How hard is it on you?

Yes, it is. Artichokes were on my list of what not to eat. Surprisingly, avocados were also on the same list.

Thanks@igloo. How many days before the peocedure was that recommended to not eat?

Oops, let me tag you again, @Iglooo . Would love to know the answer (and I didn’t capitalize the “I” when I tagged you). I have a fresh fruit bouquet form my kids (melon, pineapple) and cant eat it :frowning: . Just ate hard boiled eggs. They said this is recommended 3 days prior

Sharing a list I found if foods to avoid 2-3 days before - basically high fiber foods, nuts and seeds:

I have my preliminary appt Tuesday and tentative colonoscopy a week from Friday. I figure eating lightly the 2 days prior should make the prep easier, right?

The hardest part of the prep for me (not ordered by my doctor, but self-imposed after reading online about the best ways to prep) was eating a low fiber diet for 3 days beforehand. I had painful intestinal cramps that I don’t normally have on my relatively high-fiber diet. The Dr. said I was very well cleaned out, however.

They didn’t find any polyps, but rather a moderate number of diverticuli-- probably due to years of a lower fiber diet when I was younger. People with diverticuli need lots of fiber in their diet to keep the waste moving briskly through the colon. I may skip, or moderate, the low fiber aspect of prepping next time (10 years); will have to consult with the doctor about that at the time.

Thanks for the link @rockvillemom . Interesting- my instructions say no milk.

I maintained a low residue diet 2 days before the prep day. Since this was my first colonoscopy I don’t really know if it helped or not. DH, who’s had 2 previous colonoscopies, never did that and thought I was being overly cautious.

Mine did, too. About artichoke, in my instruction it was 2 days prior.

Two men I knew weren’t “clean” enough, so I shifted my diet for a few days prior. The idea of a second prep and missing another day of work made the soup and eggs for a few days ok.

What happens if it isn’t clean enough?

They reschedule you.

OK, thanks. Artichokes tonight. Soup, eggs and pasta monday (had eggs for lunch today). I forgot to buy popsicles but its pretty cold out. May be less appealing. Gotta check the freezer to see if there are any in there.

@jym626 consider broth with noodles and cooked chicken too. Broth was also good to have during prep as I got tired of sweet drinks

I forego all sweet drinks because sweets make me nauseous, and I lived on chicken broth for two days before the prep. It was really no big deal.

thanks. will check the soup supply.

I was scheduled a couple of weeks ago and after prep, getting there, iv inserted, etc, my BP was sky high and they sent me directly to ER. I am now scheduled for next month to try again. The thought of drinking the prep again
UGH!!! I have had 4 maybe over the years? I started younger as we have strong family history of colon cancer. The test is totally fine, it is the prep drink I struggle with. A couple of years ago, I traveled with my H to Mexico for a business trip. One of his work events had us out to eat at a fancy restaurant. There was a huge build up for a certain dessert and one bite in I was dying. It tasted exactly like the prep drink. I tried to make my way through it, but I just couldn’t. Host couldn’t understand why I didn’t finish. How do you say it tastes like your colon prep!!! Thankfully my H no longer works for that company!

@jym626 - I made a pot of chicken broth in my instant pot before my prep. I drank broth and had lemon jello the day before the procedure. Between the broth and drinking all the suggested amount of water I didn’t feel hungry at all.
My instructions were 2 days prior to procedure to not eat any raw fruits or vegetables. No food with nuts or seeds. The instructions also said to drink 8 glasses of water on that day as well.
@jmmmom - oh no. I feel for you. I don’t know if I could stomach drinking the prep again so soon.

jmmmom - I feel for you. That was one of my concerns when I had my colonoscopy since my BP gets ridiculously high when I have medical procedures. I was very concerned that they wouldn’t do the colonoscopy if it was too high, but I guess it didn’t pass their threshold since they did it. I can’t imagine having to do the prep all over again.

Hope you are feeling better, jmmmom. And thanks @mom60. I took the lazy way and used a huge can of chicken noodle soup yesterday. I had company last evening ad according to the Kaiser prep someone above forwarded (thanks) I had some brie and saltines and a little piece of havarti. Today has been coffee and chicken broth. The “prep” hasn’t been too bad. I thought they did away with pills but apparently they are back, well at least in my case, to using bisacodyl (ducalax) and I am now working my way through the first 32 oz of liquid. I am using crystal light lemonade rather than gatorade and its tolerable. Its just a lot to consume!

Had my initial appt today and ended up postponing actual colonoscopy and leaving with a FIT test instead - do at home and mail in. My normally very stable bp of 120/80 was 140/90 at the consult today - highest reading I have ever had - and after discussing - decided to put it off for now. I’ll do the FIT and mail it in for results and just start with that for now.