Colorado College ED/EA 2023

S denied EA 1390 SAT, captain of 3 varsity sports, 3.8 UW. CO resident. Applied for aid.

Our son was just accepted.

GPA 4.1
SAT 1520
Had an off site interview on the east coast that went really well.
Lots of AP’s and a decent amount of EC’s
Essay was solid.

@JOhn245 , I am not going to post her stats because it was last year, but they were very high. If you must know, you can look back on last years EA thread. We decided she was not accepted EA because they were trying to protect their yield and didn’t think she was serious about going to CC. However, at that time, it was her first choice so it was quite a blow that she didn’t get in EA. She did apply for financial aid, but got no need based aid, but did get merit $ when she was accepted. If you are interested in the fall semester abroad, then I would say it would probably benefit you to tell them that. However, that is no guarantee. CC is big on demonstrated interest. If you haven’t visited, go. If you didn’t do an interview, request one. Do whatever you can, without annoying them, to show them CC is the place for you. CC also really reads your block plan essay because they want to make sure you understand how the block plan really works. If your essay is not clear that you understand the block plan, make sure you let them know that you do. Sorry this is so long!!!

Accepted under ED
ACT: 28, but they super-scored me to a 30 I believe
Got merit and grants
If anyone wants to try and connect, and see if we would be good roomates, hit reply.

aye!! congrats

Deferred EA
1450 SAT/3.9 GPA
Had an awkward interview but had contact with my admissions representative after visiting. Worked really hard on my supplementals. Sort of disappointed :frowning:

My son was deferred EA with ACT of 32 and 4.0 GPA, and his sibling is a current student! Good solid essays, great interview. Applied for aid.

I was surprised because I did the applicantion the night it was due

(EA) Decision: Accepted

Major: Art History, International Studies

ACT: 34
SATII: 800 World History 720 US History
AP’s: chinese 5; art history 5; us gov 5; comp gov 5; lang 4; world hist 4.
GPA: 3.74 UW
Major Awards: National History Day Nationals 2017, Third Place


  • Interned at a Syrian refugee center
  • Interned at Shanghai Museum
  • Co-Chair of International Hackathon Shanghai
  • DECA
  • MUN
  • National Art Honor Society
  • Tri-M

Country: China
Ethnicity: Asian

deferred EA with a 33 ACT and good extracurriculars/recs but not the greatest grades. feeling lucky to have at least been deferred (even thought it was what i expected) because someone i know with a similar profile (but with slightly lower grades) unfortunately got rejected.

Deferred EA. 1460 SAT, 109 TOEFL, 3.5 gpa. AP Psych 5, AP stats 5. applying for psychology major. International applicant.

Degustibus, DD took a course in nonviolent conflict last semester. The professor was incredible, and four students are going to Serbia with him this semester including our DD!

Has anyone who was deferred received an email from CC asking if they are interested in pursuing RD?

How did I get deferred EA with a 35 ACT!!!

@nr2001 CC doesn’t only look at ACT scores. However, they also do try hard to protect their yield. It is possible that they feel that you applied to CC as a safety school and that you would not actually go there. They don’t want to accept students that they feel will not go there because it affects their yield. If you truly want to go there, make sure you let them know that and update them with any new information.

@pcmom1 CC says on their website that they accept the ACT and I made it pretty clear in my essays that CC was one of my top options. So I’m not sure why they deferred me. The only reason I applied EA instead of ED was in case they didn’t give me enough financial aid.

@nr2001, they do LOOK at ACT scores, but test scores and stats are not the only thing CC looks at. They really look at the “Block Plan” essay you submit. Believe me, I understand because the same thing happened to my daughter last year. CC was one of her top choices and she applied EA. She had very high stats, great essays, great rec letters, etc, and has a sibling at CC and was still deferred to RD. We were shocked. Then we realized that they were most likely thinking that with her stats she would get in somewhere better and would not go to CC. So, like I mentioned earlier, they were trying to protect their yield. She did send them an update restating her undying love for CC and she was accepted RD. However, by that point, she had fallen in love with a different school and is currently there. My son is a senior at CC and loves it there. Good luck with RD.

I’m not trying to be a jerk, but having a 35 on the ACT does not make you that special around here. Nor does having a perfect GPA. Nor does taking 10 AP classes. At this point in the CC continuum, virtually EVERYONE has scores in the highest 1%. Everyone has recommendations from high school counselors stating we are the best student they have ever met. The key, as many have explained in this thread, is the essay. I had admission counselors encouraging me to take my essay class to either History or SW Studies as they felt it would make an excellent class in the real world; Field trip to Manhattan and all.

This is an amazingly difficult college. Blocks here are much tougher than the Summer Sessions I took at Duke prior to arriving here. If you do not understand the Block, live the Block, and breathe the Block you will not get as much out of a CC education as you might at Williams, or Pomona or Swarthmore. It just strikes me that Admissions picks people they think will complement the classes, not just people with 35/ 1500/ 4.0/ 10 AP. Most of the people in the former are also members of the latter as it happens.

@hopefulmom123 I would not use the term excruciating, but I would be lying if I said it was not challenging. I am a Senior and can’t think of anybody who has transferred out due to the difficulty. The faculty sure as heck do not inflate grades, but they do just about anything humanly possible to ensure that we understand well enough to pass.

I have no context to reference regarding employers. I can say that those three schools recruited me heavily, one of them even after I committed ED to CC ( not all that classy by them, btw.) I can also relate that friends of mine have headed to Grad / Med / Vet School at Stanford, MIT, Yale, Berkeley, Duke and Michigan. So Grad Schools can’t think that poorly of CC. It may be due to the fact that we are not taught to pass tests, rather to dig down deep, which is what happens in Grad School anyway.

hopefulmom123, DD was in IB in high school. She left for school at 6:15 every morning, was finished with classes by 1 or 2… She was not in sports in junior or senior year, nor is she in sports at CC. She probably averaged 4 hours of homework a night, and 8 on the weekend. That’s about a 10 hour day of either sitting or working plus weekends. I would say that when the students are on block, it is about equivalent, with some classes lighter and some tougher. The difference is that you are concentrating on only one thing - no multi-tasking and no competing assignments. Her friend is currently drowning in a calculus class, but so far her first 5 blocks have been manageable. Not easy: lots of DAILY reading and writing in most classes, but manageable. She chose to get a job 10 hours a week, and it has been manageable. She LOVES it!