Colorado College ED/EA 2023

Everyone has classes at the same time - from 9 am. to 12 pm., I believe. That leaves time for a job and/or sports.

@hopefulmom123 Yours is a frequent concern about the Block Plan. But the precise same thing could be said of any college, only worse. A typical college has midterms all in the same week, with perhaps a ‘reading week’ before. That is how it worked for my older sister who went to an Ivy. It can’t be easy to have 5 classes in a semester, 4 midterms and a paper, then also have a job. So many who criticize the Block Plan do so one a premise which is far worse at a typical college.

As a totally unrelated aside, many critics point to the problems with forgeing language retention in such a short period of time. In top of our standard Block credit, we are also allowed to take a number o .25 credit language upkep classes - and even take them P/F. I took 2 Blocks of Chinese in my 1st and 3rd Blocks ( one Block was part of my FYE) and have taken 4 upkeep classes as well. I speak beeter Chinese now that I did after Yaer 1, Block 3.

@hopefulmom123 Each class has the same variety of assessments as one would find at a traditional semester based college. I have taken classes with only a single research paper. I have taken classes with daily quizzes. Most all clases do have some sort of presentation, though not so much in Math obviously. If I had to derive a hypothetical class, I would say a large test in the middle and some sort of project or paper in the end. And just about every class carves out 10% for participation

@shoot4moon Wow! That’s really amazing! I would’ve loved to go on such a unique, special opportunity!

just got in RD after getting deferred EA! for applicants next year, don’t give up hope

Did anyone else just get a travel grant to go visit for admitted student open house?

@mountainmama19 I did! But I’ve already toured CC more than once, so I probably won’t go.

@KoloradoKid , have Barnes decisions been released to winners?

@Labmama they have (I applied and did not receive it—I got an email about it a few weeks ago).

@bonjour1, thank you! D has not received a notification, and when we asked her admissions counselor last week, we were told they would be released “within a week.” Her financial aid letter has disappeared from the admissions portal. Very confusing…

@Labmama , the Barnes scholarships have been offered to students, but the alternates can still get them. My son was offered the Barnes scholarship on April 29, 2015 and my daughter was notified that she got it last year on April 12.
My son was notified he was an alternate in march. My daughter was not notified until I called the admissions office and they said she did not get it. Then they called to offer it to her later. Keep hoping.

@pcmom1, thank you! I guess that means she is an alternate? I was wondering why they are being so vague about when she will receive an answer. So I guess they’re waiting for those that were offered the scholarship to accept or decline. This is the very last decision we are waiting on, and frankly it’s torture. I can’t wait for this process to be over!

@pcmom1, another question–when your kids were offered the scholarship, were they given a deadline to reply? Or do you simply have to reply by the enrollment deadline? Thanks!

@Labmama , I am not saying your daughter is an alternate. That I don’t know. However, I do know that some alternates were already notified that they were an alternate. If it plays out like it did for my daughter, she could still get it. Students offered the scholarship have until May 1 to accept or decline. So, a student could have to wait until then to find out if they get it. Like I mentioned, my son was offered it on April 29. That did not give him much time to make the decision. My daughter had a little bit more time, but they told her to let them know as soon as possible. Last year I felt the admissions rep that was over the Barnes scholarship was very unorganized and it was very frustrating. Good luck to your daughter. I will keep my fingers crossed for her. (FYI: my son accepted the scholarship and is graduating this year. My daughter did not accept the scholarship and is a Freshman somewhere else).

@pcmom I appreciate the responses very much. I’m going to call admissions tomorrow and ask for some clarification. We are so weary of the waiting game–D has a full tuition scholarship offer elsewhere, and if we can’t get a definitive answer from CC in the next few days, she will likely commit. I simply cannot imagine waiting until May 1 to make a decision.

Hi again, @pcmom1…so, I spoke with 5 different people in admissions and financial aid yesterday, and not a single person had any idea re: the status of Barnes scholarships. I am extremely curious as to how you know that winners and alternates were notified. Are you willing to share? Thank you!

@Labmama , I know they have notified because another parent contacted me with some questions because his/her child was notified he/she was an alternate. And, as bonjour1 mentioned, she was notified that she did not get it. Last year, it was Carly Stafford in the admissions office that was in charge of the Barnes Scholarship. I don’t know if she is again this year, but have you spoken to her?

Hi, new here-- apologies for interjecting in this thread but I cannot find much information on the Barnes Scholarship, and was wondering about your son/daughters stats/accomplishments in the sciences. I am just trying to decide if this is a scholarship I should encourage my now Junior to consider applying for next year (assuming she is accepted to CC of course) or if it is just way out of reach…any insights on the standards, etc you have are appreciated!

@grinellgirl, first, yes, you should encourage your Jr to apply for the Barnes Scholarship next year. While they are very competitive scholarships, your child can’t get it if he/she doesn’t apply. To increase his/her chances. I would recommend applying EA or ED (although I would never tell anyone to apply ED unless they are 100% sure they want to go there and only if they can pay full price). I would also suggest that your child do something meaningful this summer in the field they are interested in studying, i.e. research, internship or a selective summer program. I will not post all the details for both of my kids that were offered the Barnes here publicly, but, if you want to PM me, I would be happy to give you details. They were both high stats students, as is everyone that gets into CC, and they were both very involved in STEM activities. I hope that helps and fell free to reach out to me.

Thank you for the information and encouragement. Looks like I need a minimum of 15 posts to PM another member. Pretty sure I’ll get there soon! Thank you