Colorado College for Business?

Hey guys, I was wondering if Colorado College was good for business. I really want to make sure I go somewhere that will attract top recruiters that know the schools name. Is Colorado College a good fit?

Choose CC because you like the block plan, the geographic area, liberal arts colleges, etc. Although it is a top ranking lac, I don’t think it has a huge amount of name recognition. I also don’t think that matters much. Recruiters who come there will obviously know it.

But if that is the only attraction, it is probably not a good fit.

Thanks. I am interested in the Block plan and in love with colorado springs I just wanted to make sure CC is able to get me where I need to after college.

At CC, students are taught how to think and synthesize. We all specialize in a topic, but the goal is learning how to learn. Nobody will confuse CC with Wharton, but the Economics Department is excellent ( Econ is my minor). As for the next step after CC, look at the list of eclectic alumni and their choices, but also understand that Conan O’Brien graduated from Harvard as a History major.

Do your best here and the next step ought to be easy. But if you are choosing solely on access to a next step, this might not be the place for you.