
<p>Just got the news - wait listed. Ugh. It says they will notify me sometime in mid May if I am to be accepted. However, all of the schools that I am already admitted to require me to commit by May 1st. Does this mean I would potentially lose my deposit at the other schools? </p>

<p>I haven't visited CC yet and now I don't know if it is worth it. I also don't know how much effort I should put into any new materials that I would potentially send them. Who else has experience with being waitlisted? I really wish it was just a yes or no :/</p>

<p>I applied to CC not really knowing too much about it - it looked like a great school and I planned to visit once (if) admitted. Probably should have showed more interest...</p>

<p>Yes, it means you would potentially lose your deposit to your one other school where you accept admissions. It’s useful for the student in case Colo College is your first choice but you only got waitlisted - you accept your favorite school that admitted you, pay the deposit, and then cross your fingers that you will be picked by Colo College. If, in mid-May, they offer you a spot, you jump on it, pay THEM a deposit, call the other college and say no thanks, and they keep your few hundred dollars for their trouble of saving you a spot.</p>

<p>So it depends - by the time all your decisioins come in, do you like a school that accepted you more than you like Colo College? If so, you can send your deposit to that school and be done. If you like Colo College more than any of the ones that accepted you, you play the waitlist game.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>Thanks so much for the info! I probably need to learn more about the school (visit perhaps, I wonder if they let waitlisted come on tours?) before committing to the wait list game. I’ve really liked what I’ve heard and read, and the school was recommended to me by college counselors and peers alike. I just don’t know yet if its THE top choice at this point. </p>

<p>just curious, do you know if admission from the wait list is absolutely binding? If so, I’d need to be absolutely sure CC was where I wanted to go before sending in the forms.</p>

<p>no…admission from the waitlist is like RD admission…you can still turn it down if they accept you in mid May.</p>

<p>thank you! i think i’ll probably go for it then…</p>

<p>Limabean… I think I heard/read somewhere that only 1 waitlisted applicant from last year got admitted. So, the odds of clearing the waitlist are extremely low. Accordingly, you should really focus your attention on the schools that have accepted you, and get yourself excited about your final choice. Too bad you didn’t get into CC, but forget about it. The quality of your college experience these next 4 years will be determined almost solely by your passion and effort. If you bring it, the college you go to will be a great one for you.</p>

<p>Thanks, and you are right about that, thats what my parents say to me all the time!</p>

<p>I haven’t decided yet what I’m going to do. I figure that even if the odds are low, it doesn’t hurt, right? But thanks for the info. CC was one of the only smaller schools I applied to, so I guess I wanted to keep the door open :(</p>

Although the chances of getting off the waitlist might be small, if you really are interested in CC it definitely wouldn’t hurt to try. I would suggest trying to talk to your regional admissions person, and basically just showing as much interest in the school as possible (visiting, interviewing if you didn’t, sending emails or letters about how badly you want to go to CC). I bet the one person that got in off the waitlist last year did something along those lines.
Also, I know firsthand how big of a difference showing a lot of interest can make - I applied to CC this year, and I didn’t think I had any chance of getting in because my grades were much lower than the average admitted CC student’s, but I decided to apply ED to show real interest there, and to email the woman who was going to be in charge of the applications coming from my region of the US (the Northeast). I really think it made a big difference in my application, and I bet it could help you too!</p>

<p>Last year, Colorado College offered 775 students a place on the waiting list.
324 accepted a place. 24 were admitted.</p>

<p>Source: 2009-2010 Colorado College Common Data Set, section C2.</p>

<p>Limabean… If 24, not 1, got admitted off the waitlist last year, then masscaz has suggested the right approach. However, you’ll need to be realistic about your prospects.</p>

<p>Well I know that there are many people on the CC waitlist, let alone any waitlist, who really really want to go. It is a great school and I understand your interest in going there, but is it your top choice? What other schools are on your list or have you been accepted to?</p>

<p>I have been accepted to other schools, mostly UC’s (I’m from California) UVA, and UW. Unfortunately, CC was the only smaller school that I applied to. I was really hoping to get in so that I might get a taste of life at smaller school before making the decision. It is hard to say if it is my top choice at this point considering I haven’t visited yet. I actually just sent them an email asking if I could visit and possibly set up an interview in the near future… </p>

<p>I definitely don’t want to take someone else’s spot if this isn’t the school for me, but I think i really need to visit first. I don’t want to close the door just yet… especially since I really think I’d like the smaller environment. I guess I’m just bummed because I really thought I would get in and this would be a non issue! oh well</p>

<p>limabean- That is completely understandable. as the UC schools and UW are all great schools, CC offers something completely different. As I have read on their website, if you look at their waitlist facts, they usually don’t do interviews/overnight visits if your on the wait list, but you should ask anyway, and visit the campus if you do have the opportunity to. goodluck!!</p>

<p>What about the Kenyon college?</p>

<p>Here are the last 4 years stats off the CC Common Data Sets concerning waitlists. The first number is the number of students offered the waitlist who chose to accept a place on it. The second number is how many students actually were enrolled off the waitlist.</p>

<p>[06-07] 215/92; [07-08] 342/42; [08-09] 321/1; [09-10] 324/24.</p>

<p>Keep in mind, the waitlist is not ranked. Seems that the numbers of ED, EA and RD applicants enrolled (duh) and showing a whole lot of interest NOW are the two strong factors. BTW–in 07-08 I knew a female who got in off the waitlist by submitting an additional honor she won, calling and expressing extreme interest and indicating that she would come out to visit immediately and would attend if offered a spot. She mentioned that it was coming down to the point where she was going to have to make a binding commitment to another school if she did not get notice that she was in at CC. It worked for HER.</p>

<p>Thank you so much for all of the advice!</p>