Wait-listed at Colorado College

<p>Hi all,
I just heard back from Colorado College and I am on the Waitlist. Colorado College is my top choice college, so I need some advice on how to get myself high up on the list. What can I do? What are my chances of getting bumped up and being accepted?</p>

<p>When and how are you informed? I have applied to CC too but haven’t heard from them yet…</p>

<p>I applied regular decision, and heard back via a letter sent to my address.</p>

<p>Have your counselor call to tell them they’re your top choice and that you’d come if accepted. You write your rep and say the same. Do you need financial aid? Keep in mind that can be tough for those coming off a WL, CC does not meet need.</p>

<p>from postings on the Colorado college threads it appears it was a REALLY rough acceptance year. Many seemingly well qualified applicants were outright denied, so congrats on making the waitlist and good luck.</p>

<p>I dont know how FA works for waitlist but my DS!) received an excellent RD aid package.</p>

<p>There will undoubtedly be “waitlist” type threads but also search for what to do when deferred ED. There will be similar suggestions. Above all - show interest!</p>

<p>cfarwell - my D was also waitlisted at her top choice school and did eventually get accepted. She did lots of things to show her interest - whenever there was a college fair in her area, she would go to say hi to the Admissions Counselor there and reiterate her interest. This not only showed her strong interest but it also put a face with a name and got her name in front of Admissions again. She also put together another packet of new accomplishments since she applied - it included her academics, any awards received, another letter of reference and also a personalized letter about why she wanted to go there and why it was a good fit. It was a lot of work, but worth it in the end. CO College is a great school and my younger D was also considering applying, but in the end, it was too far away from home. Good luck!</p>

<p>Go ahead and accept a spot on the WL if you really want to attend.
However, realize the odds are heavily against you. Here are the numbers for Colorado College WL admits in the past 4 seasons:
2011-12: 14 of 431
2010-11: 0 of 248.
2009-10: 24 of 324
2008-09: 1 of 321</p>

<p>Who knows, maybe this will be an unusually easy year.
Psychologically, though, it might be better to focus on your other options and move on.</p>

<p>2007-08: 42 of 342</p>

<p>Over the last 5 years, SAT score for the 25th% varied 50 points (1830-1880) and for the 75th% varied 40 points (2090-2130). For that time period, the ACT composite score for the 25th% rose from 27 to 29 and for the 75th% rose from 31 to 32.</p>

<p>The actual total enrollment/waitlist enrolled stats are:</p>

<p>2011-12: total 490—waitlist enrolled- 14
2010-11: total 536—waitlist enrolled- 0
2009-10: total 526—waitlist enrolled- 24
2008-09: total 531—waitlist enrolled- 1
2007-08: total 524—waitlist enrolled- 42</p>

<p>Seems that the only trend that may exist is that in years where the EA,ED and RD admitted generate 530 or more enrolled students, there is little or no waitlisted students enrolled.</p>

<p>My S’s freshman year (2007-08), I knew of a female on the waitlist who communicated with admissions, supplemented her application with evidence of having received an additional math award and told them (truthfully) that she was less than 10 days from having to send in non-reimbursable deposits at a university. They sent her a letter that conditioned admission to her accepting on a very short fuse. She visited and the parents negotiated the financial aid “up” in a matter of less than a week.</p>

<p>Absolutely let them know that you will come if you are taken off the waitlist and send in any additional info that could help you. When colleges go to the waitlist, they do not want to fool around and like to go for those who are truly committed to come to the school. THe kids I know who were accepted off the waitlists from small selective schools made sure that the admissions officers knew them and their apps and their interest in going to the school. </p>

<p>I don’t know what the wait list numbers are this year and how many kids are ED which are the “birds in hand”. Who ends up going there will determine the waitlist movement. </p>

<p>As for financial aid, CC tends to give good aid for their accepted students as they are not need blind. I know a couple of kids who were accepted off the waitlist in 2008, and they all did get financial aid but I don’t know what their official policy is for aid for waitlsted kids. They also came up with additional money for my son when he asked for it for merit that year.</p>