Columbia Chances

<p>I am a sophomore interested in Columbia University. Some of this is speculative, for this information that is speculative I used the word "planning" or "plan" Here is my info:</p>

UW- 97.5

Adv. Science Research
Intern for High Ranking Congressman (Don't want to give name as it will give away my location)
Planning on Interning with a Renown Neurosurgeon and Researcher
Plan on Researching something Neurologically related for Siemens competition and Intel
Student Government
Volunteer at Hospital
Plan on being inducted into National Honor Society</p>

<p>AP's Taking:
AP World
AP Env.</p>

<p>Plan on Taking:
AP Bio
AP Chem
AP Physics
AP Calc
AP Gov
AP Language and Composition
AP Literature
AP Italian</p>

<p>If you have questions or need more info to chance comment and I will reply.
I know it is early in my high school career to have a realistic chance, but I would like to know where I am at.</p>

<p>And PSAT was 1900 but I didn’t study because I didn’t have time and will definently study for Junior Year PSAT and the SAT</p>

<p>Columbia; Reach (aim for 32+/2150+ regardless)</p>