Columbia Class of 2014

<p>How many of you guys have applied to columbia ? post ur basic stats here: i'll start.</p>

<p>SAT I: 2290 (math 770, cr 780, wr 740)
SAT II: math 780,chem 620 (yuck! i hate chem)
Rank: Top 3%
Essays: brillaint.
Recos: brilliant.</p>

<p>Best of luck to everyone :)</p>

<p>me me me!
SAT: 2350
SAT II: US Hist 770, Physics 760
Rank: dunno
Essay/reco: all great</p>

<p>I don’t see the point of posting this though, because there are soooooo many things that influence a decision</p>

<p>did u apply for fin aid ? forgot to add that. </p>

<p>the point of this is to see how many indians from here have applied there.</p>

<p>did not apply for aid</p>

<p>I applied for aid ( a ton of it too) and my stats are okay. dont see the point in this thread, coz no ones going to care if you think your essays are brilliant. We ourselves are the poorest judges of our work. If the adcoms like them, well and good, if they dont, it doesnt matter if we still think they’re amazing.</p>

<p>Got a likely!</p>

<p>Charles 14: This is NOT a chance thread. read what i posted before you start acting like you’re the epitome of intelligence. This is just to see the no. of indian applicants to columbia and see the kind they ultimately take in. oh and about the essays my uchicago admissions officer emailed me saying that they were “brilliant” (i got in).</p>

<p>somewhereibelong: that is amazing ! these colleges hardly ever give likelies to internationals let alone ORMs. are u a female applicant to SEAS ?</p>

<p>cr_freak you need to chill. Charles didn’t say anything wrong, in fact his post didn’t even imply such a thing. “Essays:brilliant”? You’re one to speak.</p>