Columbia Combined Plan Transfer (2023)

Anyone here apply? Comment below:

  • Major
  • Affiliated LAC or not
  • 3.3+?
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Computer Science
Finished all the requirements
Kinda nervous for not being guaranteed any more

Ahh all the same here, good luck to the both of us! :crossed_fingers:

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Did you guys apply for financial aid? If so, did you fill in anything extra or had something seperate get sent regarding it?

How many people from your school applied? Just curious

Math major here at Affiliated LAC

Applying for Applied Physics program and am finishing up two requirements this semester and not going for aid.

Have a 3.5+ GPA for overall and 3.3+ for all my pre-reqs.

Not sure on the # of apps from my school and super nervous for competitive review.

Also what do you guys think is the reason for pushing back the application deadline. You think not enough people applied?

And btw what does Columbia mean by requirements? If I am taking prerequisites this semester other than the engineering major prereqs are they considered as finishing up requirements this semester? Otherwise, I would have to finish everything in essentially 2 and a half years, which makes no sense.

Yeah I just submitted

I ended up submitting my application by the original deadline. Last year they also push back the deadline and they explained it was because they realized lots of people can’t get stuff in by the original deadline. But this year they gave no explanation so there is a possibility that not a lot of people applied?

A current physics major at LAC, civil engineering at Columbia
3.5 overall +
3.3 pre-engineering (but one class was below a B)
non-affiliated school
Does anyone know how often non-affiliate schools get accepted?

  • Math major at affiliated LAC,
  • Applying for Applied Mathematics program
  • 3.71 GPA overall, 3.64 GPA for all pre-requisites
    Have a strong research internship at a lab as well, and there are only 3 people from my school applying this year. I’m just worried that even if I get in, they won’t give me enough financial aid to actually attend (had this happen when I first applied to college)

Anyone have a clue on when decisions might be released? Seems like it was around this time in the last few years (April 10th - 15th)

Did anyone apply for the combined program this year? When will we know the result? What are your bg? (Major, GPA, Affiliated…)

yea, from fordham. what school are you?

From Brandeis, I am nervous since it is about time for decisions. I believe they gave decisions last year on April 15.

yeah me too, what major are you now and what are you applying for?

I double major in Applied Math(BS) and CS(BA) in current school, applying for CS.

Any chance they’ll post decisions on a Saturday (and email us with the decision date and time tomorrow)?

I just got the email; 5:00 tomorrow. Good luck everyone!



Hi all! results dropped!