Columbia ED!

<p>I posted this in What are my chances? But I'm an impatient person, so here it goes again- thanks CC!! :)</p>

<p>Large(650) class size
Public School in Mid-west
50% Caucasian 50% Asian(indian)</p>

GPA: 3.746(frosh-senior)UW
GPA: 3.85(frosh-senior)W
GPA: 3.933(soph-senior)UW
GPA: 4.1(soph-senior)W
-School weighs terribly-</p>

<p>Courseload: 1 honor freshmen year(max was 1), nothing sophomore(1 AP and 1 Honor offered), 6 APs max(no one did it, I had 5), same for Senior year
Nothing below an A junior and senior years (no such thing as A+), 1 B and 3 A-'s sophomore, 1 C+ 2 B's and 3 A-'s freshmen year</p>

AP Calc A (A/A)
AP Calc B (A/NA)
AP Calc C (A/NA)
AP US History (A/A)
AP Statistics (A/A)
AP English Lit (A/NA)
AP Gov't and Poltiics (A/NA)
AP Biology (A/A)
AP Physics A (A/A)
AP Physics B (A/NA)
NA = senior year, taking now, and term won't end in time for the grades)</p>

<p>AP Tests:
Calc AB-5
US History-5

Gov't and Politics
English Lit
Calc BC

<p>SAT: 2350 800M/780CR/770W
ACT: 34 (Forgot exact, only know 36M 36S)
SATII: USH 800/Math IIC 800/Literature 770/Physics 780

National Merit Semifinalist
Math Seal of Excellence(top 1% math students)
Science Seal of Excellence(same)
AP Scholar with Distinction
Honor Roll
LD Debate top 50 in the nation
AIME Qualifier</p>

Speech and Debate - Vice President - (10,11,12)
Community Service Club - Treasurer - (11,12)
Foreign Language Club - Secretary - (11,12)
Tennis - (11,12) - Varsity Letter (started Varsity in 11th)
NHS - Member - (10,11,12)
[I only joined clubs I really care about, so obviously the top 4 I put in ALOT of work, moreso Debate then anything else]
Tutoring at an elementary school in town, 100 hours for fourth graders</p>

Spanish IV
Intern at a law firm
Stanford Debate camp - partially paid for
Volunteering at a Nursing home twice a week for two months</p>

AP US History teacher (very good)
AP Statistics Teacher (very good)
close family friend who teaches at a University nearby (extremeley good)</p>

I think they were pretty good, not meaning to toot my own horn</p>

<p>yeah you're a competitive applicant (obviously). ooooh, stanford debate... does that mean you were policy? If you were good at policy i'm sure you had a ton of awards there, and skill in debate goes a long way in admissions.</p>

<p>the only piece of advice is to CAREFULLY work on the why-columbia essay. have some good reasons, well-thought-out, and keep asking yourself "is this something that admissions officers read 20 times a day, or is it original and will make them say 'hmm, this person knows what they're talking about'"?</p>

<p>Sorry, miscalculated GPA:3.77 Weighted, do my chances stay the same?</p>