Columbia GS Fall 2023 Early/Regular Decision Thread

Nice, congratulations!. What is your stats you are applying with? Worried because I do not have a standardized test score :((

Don’t worry, I didn’t submit test scores either! I think most schools don’t really care about them as much since the pandemic, especially nontraditional programs like GS. My stats are good, I have a 4.0 and various honors, I just hope it’s enough to really put me into consideration

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anyone else super nervous for priority early action results tomorrow?

Same here. Hopefully we both get in. Best of luck to you!

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Today is the day, what time is everyone thinking?

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I’m thinking no later than 2pm EST (in 3 hours). I have no basis for this other than I wouldn’t release results later than 2 or 3 in case “unexpected things happen” if I worked in admissions. Also gives the office some time to see what inbound issues and email volume might look like.

anyone else super nervous!?

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Based on past threads I’m thinking 5pm EST :thinking:

same I haven’t been able to focus on anything all day :grimacing:

This is a better basis for when we should know haha. Gracias

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i might pass out from the stress. also why i like rolling admissions. the countdown is too anxiety inducing

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tell me about it after this I have to wait until mid-late may for the rest of my decisions like fr I wish I could just fast forward

Out of curiosity (since this is the school of GS) - how old is everyone here? I’ll go first - I’m 30 and turning 31 in April. I’m guessing I’ll be one of the older folks applying :laughing:

just turned 26. i am a columbia seas alumna!

Just got an email from their faculty. As I expected, it involves questions from the admissions committee about why I want to attend Columbia. All very fair since I’m a pretty non-traditional applicant. Just wanted to let you all know so you know that your decisions may or may not be coming within the next hour or so! Good luck everyone!

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I’m 27!

Interesting, is this like an interview kind of thing? Like they want you to reply with your answers?

Yeah just asking questions about why I think the program would be a fit and whether I actually want the rigor of the program. Quick context is that I dropped out of college 10 years ago, worked as an engineer in the Silicon Valley for a while, started a company, scaled that company to be pretty big, and now I’m looking to go back to school. So they’re wondering why I want to given I don’t need to and they’re making sure I’m actually a good fit. It makes a lot of sense given my background.

Honestly, I think the way they’re handling my application should give everyone here a bit of hope that the admission committee is taking their jobs seriously and that they care about the culture of the campus. They could have easily rejected me outright or accepted me, but they decided to dig in. Whatever my outcome is, I’m happy with it knowing they’re actually evaluating everyone. :slight_smile:

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wait thats so odd. sending an email llike that right before they release decisions… sounds like something they shouldve done weeks ago

just refreshed my portal and there was an update, I got in! :partying_face: :partying_face: